Show Appearances
- May 15, 2000
Topic: Editor And Publisher Of CNI News: Ufologists Survey, Chupacabras in Chile and New UFO Sightings
- March 13, 2000
Topic: Environment & Science
- January 21, 2000
Topic: Editor and Publisher of CNI News: Update on Reports of Contact with Non-Human Intelligences; Triangular UFO Near St. Louis; Chinese UFO Reports; Mars Life Could Have Seeded Earth; "Starchild" Jury Still Out
- September 21, 1999
Topic: Editor and Publisher of CNI News: Contact with Non-Human Intelligences
- March 5, 1999
Topic: Editor and Publisher of CNI News
- January 26, 1999
Topic: Editor and Publisher of CNI News: Update on Reports of Contact with Non-Human Intelligences and The Global Situation Report's Tips for Y2K Preparedness
- January 17, 1999
Topic: Editor and Publisher of CNI News: Global Situation Report: Tips for Y2K Preparedness
- November 15, 1998
Topic: Editor and Publisher of CNI News: Contact with Non-Human Intelligences
- October 29, 1998
Topic: Editor and Publisher of CNI News: Contact with Non-Human Intelligences
- February 13, 1998
Topic: Editor and Publisher of CNI News: Contact with Non-Human Intelligences
- March 30, 1997
Topic: Editor and Publisher of CNI News: Sightings in New England, Arizona and the Cult in California
- October 6, 1996
Topic: UFOs and the Global Situation: The Latest Evidence on Alien Contact and What It May Mean for the Human Future (video)
- September 6, 1992
Topic: UFOs and the Alien Presence: Six Viewpoints (1991); UFOs and the New World Order: A Hypothesis Concerning the Political Implications of UFO Information (1992); UFOs and the Alien Presence (1992)
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