“The reverse of the Great Seal can be a tool for self-transformation when viewed symbolically…The eye in the triangle and the pyramid are opposites (representing spirit and matter), and their unification involves a creative process that results in wholeness and the birth of consciousness of self. This struggle to achieve self-consciousness is an unnatural process, and its successful completion permits entrance into the world of gods. It is a holy process by which humanity realizes its potential, resulting in growth toward a greater integrity, and eventuates in a new being, that is, a conscious self.”
So wrote Dr. Robert Hieronimus in Founding Fathers, Secret Societies – an updated extension of his original late 60s doctoral thesis on the symbolism of the Great Seal. Through their time on 21st Century Radio, Drs. Bob and Zohara carried this message of transformation through unification of spirit and the matter to audiences across the country and even some around the world.