Focus on the numbers 76 – 37 – 39 – 19 to help the O’s win!

With the Orioles nearing a chance in the play-offs, my mind has been drifting back to 1983, when I was still involved in my study of the synchronicity of lottery numbers and news headlines.

After they lost their first playoff game, I was asked by a fan to work some Orioles magic with this synchronicity system. It may have been a coincidence, but I like to think we contributed to changing that course of losing into an eventual World Series win.

Here’s an excerpt from my 1986 Warner Book, Your Personal Winning Lottery Numbers, that explains what we did. (BTW, I just found this book selling on Ebay for upwards of $120!)


Play-offs and World Series 1983

My interest in the theory that winning teams’ coordinates coincided with winning numbers in the state lotteries (such as the World Series and Super Bowl) was stimulated when I was approached by Cynthia Batterton (now Nadeline) a depressed Oriole fan, after the “Birds” lost their opening game in the 1983 play-offs. Cynthia asked what could be done to improve the Orioles’ chances, and I suggested concentrating on Baltimore’s longitude and latitude coordinates in hope that they would appear in the state lotteries, for I had noticed that cities in the news coincidentally had their numbers hit in the state lotteries.

Cards were made carrying Baltimore’s coordinates (longitude 76,37′, latitude 39,19′) and distributed by Cynthia’s cheering section in Memorial Stadium. I painted two 12-foot banners with the Orioles’ “magic numbers” on them. One was hung at Memorial Stadium and another was carried to Chicago’s stadium and put up by Eddie Murray. Brooks Robinson announced the numbers on national television during the Orioles’ play-offs, and Baltimore radio talk show host Alan Christian allowed me to present the idea and daily updates on his program.

The Orioles went on to win in the play-offs and World Series. The number results were the following: Baltimore’s numbers hit a total of 11 times while the opposition (Chicago and Philadelphia) hit only 3 times. Therefore, of the total number of hits (14), Baltimore had 78 percent (11 of 14)! Likewise of the 9 games in the play-offs and World Series, Baltimore won 7, or a total of 77 percent (7 of 9). Some coincidence!

(From pages 76-77 of Your Personal Winning Lottery Numbers)

I know it sounds crazy, but in addition to those mentioned above, I also remember others working with us to get these numbers out there to more people to concentrate on, like Al Bumbry, Vince Bagli, and Alan Christian, as well as the important roles played by Eddie Murray and Brooks Robinson.

I think if the O’s make it to the play-offs again this year, we should try this system again. In the meantime, check out the quarter of a century of Orioles Team Sets we’re offering for sale, in another attempt to get more people focusing on the Orioles to win!

For those of you wondering how I got into calculating lottery numbers, here’s a little back-story.

I have a life-long interest in systems like the theory of similars, synchronicity and seriality, and number codes in the Jewish and Greek Kabala, and that of Sir Francis Bacon, etc. I got especially into this research for my 1981 doctoral thesis, “A Historical Analysis of the Reverse of America’s Great Seal and its Relationship to the Ideology of Humanistic Psychology”, for Saybrook University.

In the early 1980s I grew curious about applying synchronicity to the lottery, and developed a system to study the connection. I called my system the T.O.P. system for Timing, Observation, and Practice. I was able to put this system to the test with hundreds of people after a weekly stint with Jerry Williams on WRKO Radio in Boston that went on for years, and some people won thousands of dollars following my system. Crown Books in 1985 and Warner Books in 1986 published my books on this subject, and the first one sold over 900,000 copies! I notice they are selling on Ebay today for as much as $120!

Well, this is a painstaking and time-consuming system, and it took me hours to come up with a list of numbers to predict. Needless to say, I soon grew tired of devoting my life to predicting lottery numbers, and especially to being hounded every hour of the day by people who didn’t give a hoot about the synchronicity theory, or investing their own time into the system to do it for themselves, but just barked at me “Gimme a number, Bob!” I still remember Baltimore’s quintessential crotchety old sportscaster, Charlie Eckman calling me up one night at 4 AM, “Gimme a number, Bob!”

Greed killed my desire to continue this line of research connecting longitude and latitude of news events with lottery hits.

But I’m ready to try this Orioles Magic spin-off from my lottery research if the Os make it to the playoffs again this year! Are ya’ with me?

In the meantime, start your own version of Orioles Magic by purchasing one of these Oriole Team sets! See you at the ballpark!

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