Dr. Bob photographed with legendary rock and roll photographers
Robert M. Knight and Maryanne Bilham!

Robert M. Knight, Dr. Bob Hieronimus, and Maryanne Bilham at the 1830s Carrollton Inn in Baltimore, shooting for the Ingo Swann documentary. This photo was retouched and resized by Maryanne.

Small world of interconnectivity when we were interviewed last month (May 2016) for a documentary about our dear friend Ingo Swann. Ingo was, of course, the legendary remote viewer who led the way in training the military how to do psychic spying, and he and I first crossed paths back in the early 1970s as I traveled the lecture circuit with my good buddy Christopher Bird, who was talking about the Secret Life of Plants. Chris and I quickly had our fill of “New Age” conferences and began finding unusual ways to amuse ourselves. My favorite was founding the “International Order of the Paper Clip” and showing up to conferences wearing enormous paper clips on our lapels, confusing everyone for our own personal delight. I think we may have even initiated Ingo into our secret brotherhood on one occasion.

Ingo and I stayed in contact over the decades and when Zohara and I started broadcasting our weekly radio show, 21st Century Radio, in 1988, Ingo was one of our first guests on the air. He returned to join us close to a dozen times after that, both on my show and on my wife’s show, to describe the books he was writing about Mother Mary, natural ESP, the bodymindsuperpowers, Purple Fables, and the revolutionary book that no publishing company would touch: Penetration: the Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy, which is the subject I talked most about on camera for this documentary.

Ingo Swann, Psychic Remote Viewer, Bowery New York. Photograph by Maryanne Bilham Knight.

Robert M. Knight and Maryanne Bilham are both legendary rock and roll photographers, whose own story of meeting and connecting with Ingo Swann is as quirky and wonderful as Ingo himself. Because it’s still in production phase, we can’t tell you much about the film, but based on what we’ve learned so far and the people who have been interviewed and the secrets that have been revealed, it promises to be a blockbuster. We put them in touch with Nancy du Tertre, author of How to Talk to an Alien: Can They Speak Our Languages? Can They Read Our Minds? and we were fortunate enough to enjoy dinner with her the evening before her interview. Nancy was a protégé of Ingo’s and the details of her encounters with him were priceless.

Nancy du Tertre and Dr. Bob Hieronimus getting ready to enjoy some traditional Baltimore crabcakes, hon!

Robert M. Knight has photographed and befriended most of the “guitar gods” of the rock and roll universe, including Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, B.B. King, Slash, and countless more. www.RobertMKnight.com. Maryanne Bilham has many iconic album covers to her credit and a special relationship with artists like Santana, The Go-Gos, Def Leppard, and her work was featured in “Rock Prophecies,” a $1 million feature-length documentary based on Knight’s life, which is in rotation on 200 PBS television stations and is also available on Netflix and Itunes. www.maryannebilhamphotography.com.

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