Show Appearances
- December 4, 2016
Topic: Nikola Tesla's Electricity Unplugged: Wireless Transmission of Power as the Master of Lightning Intended, Adventures Unlimited Press, 2016
- June 22, 2014
Topic: Future Energy Breakthroughs, Climate Change and more from the Integrity Research Institute
- March 17, 2013
Topic: Director of the Integrity Research Institute on Climate Change Consequences - If CO2 continues to go up, we can expect dramatic sea level rises and temperature changes.
- January 31, 2010
Topic: The Electrical Genius of Nikola Tesla andTeslaâs Elecromagnetic Healing Devices, a special issue of Infinite Energy: The Magazine of New Energy Science and Technology, Issue #89, Jan/Feb 2010 â Guest editor: Tom Valone
- March 11, 1999
Topic: Conference on Future Energy (April 29-30, 1999) at the Department of Commerce and "Free Energy: The Race to Zero Point" Video, Lightworks, 1997
- November 5, 1997
Topic: The Homopolar Handbook: A Definitie Guide to Faraday Disc and N-Machine Technologies, Integrity Research Institute, 1994
- July 23, 1997
Topic: "Free Energy: The Race to Zero Point" video (consultant), Lightworks, 1997
- April 3, 1994
Topic: Integrity Research Institute and an Electrogravitics Conference in Philadelphia
The Homopolar Handbook: A Definitive Guide to Faraday Disk & N-Machine Technologies, Integrity Research Institute, 1994
The Homopolar Handbook: A Definitive Guide to Faraday Disk & N-Machine Technologies, Integrity Research Institute, 1994
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Nikola Tesla’s Electricity Unplugged: Wireless Transmission of Power as the Master of Lightning Intended, Adventures Unlimited Press, 2016
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Electrogravitics Systems: Reports on a New Propulsion Methodology, Integrity Research Institute, 1995
Electrogravitics Systems: Reports on a New Propulsion Methodology, Integrity Research Institute, 1995