Show Appearances
- July 27, 2014
Topic: Hotter Than a Match Head: My Life on the Run with The Lovinâ Spoonful (with Tony Moss), ECW Press, 2014
- March 6, 2005
Topic: Bass Player for the Lovin' Spoonful, and Inductee to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2000, and Special VIP Guest at the Garland Appeal Baltimore Breast Cancer Fundraiser on 3/18/05
- July 11, 2004
Topic: Part of our Baltimore Music Special: Bass Player with the Lovin? Spoonful; and in the band Blanche LTD; and Owner/Manager of Blue Seas Recording Studios in Baltimore
- December 29, 1999
Topic: The Lovin' Spoonful is Elected to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Formation of a New Musical Group Called Forq
- February 18, 1996
Topic: Lovin' Spoonful
- December 22, 1991
Topic: Part of our Santa's Helpers Special: Merry Christmas from the Lovin` Spoonful
- September 21, 1991
Topic: Bass player for the 1960's Mellow Rock Band: "The Lovin' Spoonful" announces a reunion tour.
- March 6, 1988
Topic: Part of our New Age Music Special: folk music of the 60s and 70s
Hotter Than a Match Head: My Life on the Run with The Lovin’ Spoonful (with Tony Moss), ECW Press, 2014
Hotter Than a Match Head: My Life on the Run with The Lovin’ Spoonful (with Tony Moss), ECW Press, 2014