Show Appearances
- July 4, 2010
Topic: Encore performance from 4/4/10: Director of the National UFO Reporting Center with a history of the center and latest sighting reports including Laconia, NH on March 21, which possibly included a levitated car
- April 4, 2010
Topic: Director of the National UFO Reporting Center with a history of the center and latest sighting reports including Laconia, NH on March 21, which possibly included a levitated car
- April 19, 2001
Topic: Director of the National UFO Reporting Center: Bizarre Fireball Witnessed Over Puget Sound and British Columbia, Vancouver Island and other recent sightings
- February 20, 2001
Topic: Director of the National UFO Reporting Center: Egg-shaped Object in OH, Cigar-shaped Object in CA, Pink/orange High Speed Discs in OR, Large Triangular-shaped Object in NC
- October 9, 2000
Topic: Director of the National UFO Reporting Center: Three Hunters with a Multiple Witness Encounter and Possible Abduction in Idaho; An Aviation Industry Exec Recalls a Vivid 1936 Sighting
- January 24, 2000
Topic: Director of the National UFO Reporting Center -- Airline Pilot and Traffic Controllers Sightings Over Florida, Texas, Georgia and Missouri; Police Sightings in Illinois
- June 11, 1999
Topic: UFO's
- June 7, 1999
Topic: Director of the National UFO Reporting Center and Recent Sightings
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