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Frank Feschino, Jr.

Show Appearances

  • October 21, 2012

    Topic: The Braxton County Monster-REVISED EDITION-The Cover-Up of the Flatwoods Monster Revealed, 2012

  • September 11, 2005

    Topic: The Braxton County Monster: The Cover-up of the Flatwoods Monster Revealed, Quarrier Press, 2004


  • The Braxton County Monster: The Cover-up of the Flatwoods Monster Revealed, Quarrier Press, 2004

    The Braxton County Monster: The Cover-up of the Flatwoods Monster Revealed, Quarrier Press, 2004

  • The Braxton County Monster-REVISED EDITION-The Cover-Up of the Flatwoods Monster Revealed, 2012

    The Braxton County Monster-REVISED EDITION-The Cover-Up of the Flatwoods Monster Revealed, 2012
