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Christopher Largent

Show Appearances

  • January 19, 2002

    Topic: The Soul of Economies: Spiritual Evolution Goes to the Marketplace (With Denise Breton) Idea House, 1991

  • May 10, 2001

    Topic: The Paradigm Conspiracy: How Our System of Government, Church, School and Culture Violate Our Human Potential / Hazelden, 1996


  • The Soul of Economies: Spiritual Evolution Goes to the Marketplace (With Denise Breton) Idea House, 1991

    The Soul of Economies: Spiritual Evolution Goes to the Marketplace (With Denise Breton) Idea House, 1991

  • The Paradigm Conspiracy: How Our System of Government, Church, School and Culture Violate our Human Potential / Hazelden, 1996

    The Paradigm Conspiracy: How Our System of Government, Church, School and Culture Violate our Human Potential / Hazelden, 1996
