Read More Joe Hoenick

America’s Mad Dash To Irrelevance: Presidential Campaign 2012

Talk About Entitlements

Peace Promises of Ahmadinejad and Hitler

To Obama And Romney: Start Acting Presidential

A Vote Is Only The Beginnning Of Democracy

Dangers Of Irrelevance … America In The World

Can America Really Afford Peace?: The Unspoken Question



Santorum Gone? Don’t Bet On It!

A Nation at War: Where’s the Music?

India and Bribery and ‘Progressive’ Media Hypocrisy


November Fools’ Day

Can America Really Afford Peace? The Unspoken Question

Bottom Lines and Bottomless Pits

Welcome to Theater of the Absurd: AARP Board a Tougher Entry Than Congress or the Presidency

COMMENTARY: The United Nations of Hypocrisy, Part II










COMMENTARY: Palin’s lack of control demonstrates why she is not presidential class

          Setting aside whether  Barack Obama could have been elected in the 1930’s, and given his moral basis for intervening in Libya, would he, could he have applied his reasoning for these new commitments when Hitler was on the rise and doing precisely what the President said we could not ignore in the case of Gadaffi?

          To some it may seem strange to raise such a question in a case where the precise target of his address is hardly waging war to consume whole continents or even the world.  That reaction would not and should not hold for any reasoned and reasonable person.

 The President’s justification for not only committing American combat personnel from land and air power was that we are “different” and cannot stand by as foreign governments wreak terror and murder on their citizens.  That is a fascinating thesis since we have in fact stood by quite often even within the recent past as precisely those kinds of  governmental terror have occurred. Tienneman Square comes to mind as do many of our own federal and state responses to civil rights marches, Kent State, Montgomery, Alabam and elsewhere.

So the question, if one even reasonably accepts the President’s thesis on our current involvement in Libya, is how will he readily apply those expressed moralities elsewhere…and why not if he does not?  The fact is he has not been so determined when the target nations have been major powers.

The assertion that, for once, we are not the “lead nation” hardly dismisses our being on the roster of committed combatants as our Naval and Air Force elements have rained missiles, bombs and other assaults on Libyan military targets so, according to the news, the rebels could avoid being slaughtered by Gadaffi forces.

It is surprising that not one media reporter asked if he would have done the same when it was discovered how Hitler was bent on destroying the entire Jewish population of Germany and Europe as well…and then consuming the continent.  After all, if the same moral principal that tells him America cannot simply stand by in the face of such events, would he have applied those principles in the 1930’s and would he do so again…and where?

That the business with our donning our NATO guise for this operation dismisses us from major status is false on its surface.  Involvement implies agreement with whoever is in the lead, as does commitment of what already must be in the hundreds of millions in unbudgeted dollars to launch all those missiles and other strikes….and to commit ships and airplanes into active operations,

But  still other major questions stand neither asked nor answered:

Who precisely are the rebels in the Libyan and other uprisings?  What tells us and the world that something called “democracy” is their end game?   Who are their leaders, and who elected them to be leaders?  As we see “rebel” forces said to be advancing, who trained those folks in the use of those fairly sophisticated arms we see in the news photos, and who is maintaining the chain of supply?

Still other questions:  what do they stand for and who said what they want is in our interests anymore than the dictator they are working to topple?

All of these questions and many  more should be at least probed as we continue to commit our diplomatic, military and fiscal assets to their support.  Yet why are theoretically competent media looking for indepth stories totally avoiding anything that would provide answers…or even indicate anybody cares?  In fact, why are leaders in both Democratic and Republican parties failing to ask?

As we muck about the world, investing human, military and economic assets at a time of continued economic recession and job loss,  the one “entitlement” Americans have a right to is being part of the what and why for which they seem endlessly paying in one way or another.   The President’s attempt at justification for the Libyan action not only failed to answer any of those concerns, it did not even raise them.

It surely cannot be lost on  even the most careless memories  that it was fairly recently when our own  President George W. Bush and Britain’s Prime Minister Tony Blair were lavishing warm praise on Gadaffi as they physically embraced him and helped to sponsor his return to grace to the United Nations that received him almost heroicly.

In the end, the point here has been to ask just what we can come to expect of the President in the application of “we just can’t stand by” with respect both to how governments treat their people and those who adopt the label of “rebels” when we have no idea of their own sets of principals as they relate to America.

Marines Deploy to Libya

Marines Deploy to Libya
Wed, 30 Mar 2011 07:30:00 -0500

More than 2,000 Marines from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, 2nd Marine Expeditionary force, deployed along with Amphibious Squadron 6 for Libya Tuesday.

This is sheer madness and well beyond what we were rhetorically promised in the President’s speech. Millions of the unemployed and veterans with frozen benefits must wonder where all the masssive expenditures are coming from on the missile and air strikes and now these deployments that can only sustain our ‘on the ground’ commitments in that area…..and with not on whit of knowledge who the rebels really are. Congress must put some reins on all of what appears to be kneejerk strategy.

I worked hard to elect this president but cannot understand what guides his compass at this moment.




21st Century Radio’s Upcoming World Exclusive on the Great Pyramid



21st Century Radio’s Upcoming World Exclusive
on the Great Pyramid

19th-century photo of the Great Pyramid.

Taken by the Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars in 2008, this gorgeous image shows terrain in the Martian Aureum Chaos region. Some shaded areas feature a higher concentration of the mineral pyroxene, which can be used to make geopolymerized rock very hard. Pyroxene is common in basalt. NASA/

From the very beginning of 21st Century Radio in January of 1988 we have focused on the mysterious Great Pyramid in Egypt, why it was built, what is was used for, and especially how it was created. This Spring 2018 we continue a long tradition of interviewing scientists who challenge the traditional authority of Egyptologists as we invite several innovators and old friends in this field. Not only have they succeeded in proving how these megaliths were built, but they are also updating and translating these findings to the future. We are excited to present to our listeners the plans to use these same ancient building technologies to build similar structures for the space stations on the moon and Mars.

Here are just a few of the distinguished scholars who are investigating these revolutionary ideas about the pyramid builders and how we can capitalize on their “magically” innovative ideas. Some of these will be featured on future programs on 21st Century Radio.

Distinguished Professor Dr. Michel Barsoum, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Drexel University, and his team wrote in their first peer-reviewed paper on the topic that the sophistication of the recovered pyramid technology is simply astounding.

“Closeup of selected blocks of Khufu’s Great Pyramid. Notice how blocks in these tiers closely correspond to the irregularities of each other.” —from Margaret Morris’ The Great Pyramid Secret

MIT Professor of Materials Dr. Linn W. Hobbs, with other MIT professors, taught a class on the special technology in 2008, and wrote: “It’s good that the students can see a real scientific controversy being addressed in productive ways.”

Geophysicist Dr. Edward J. Zeller, a former long-term Director of the Radiation Physics Laboratory of the Space Technology Center, a focal point of Federal Agencies funding, including NASA-sponsored research, at the Universality of Kansas.

Margaret Morris has authored books and published papers on this topic in science and technical journals. She has worked on Egyptian architecture and antiquities since 1984, starting at Barry University’s former Institute of Applied Archaeological Sciences. She has co-authored with the award-winning, internationally-recognized scientist Dr. Joseph Davidovits, founder of the chemistry of geopolymerization.


Dr. Bob photographed with legendary rock and roll photographers Robert M. Knight and Maryanne Bilham!


Dr. Bob photographed with legendary rock and roll photographers
Robert M. Knight and Maryanne Bilham!

Robert M. Knight, Dr. Bob Hieronimus, and Maryanne Bilham at the 1830s Carrollton Inn in Baltimore, shooting for the Ingo Swann documentary. This photo was retouched and resized by Maryanne.

Small world of interconnectivity when we were interviewed last month (May 2016) for a documentary about our dear friend Ingo Swann. Ingo was, of course, the legendary remote viewer who led the way in training the military how to do psychic spying, and he and I first crossed paths back in the early 1970s as I traveled the lecture circuit with my good buddy Christopher Bird, who was talking about the Secret Life of Plants. Chris and I quickly had our fill of “New Age” conferences and began finding unusual ways to amuse ourselves. My favorite was founding the “International Order of the Paper Clip” and showing up to conferences wearing enormous paper clips on our lapels, confusing everyone for our own personal delight. I think we may have even initiated Ingo into our secret brotherhood on one occasion.

Ingo and I stayed in contact over the decades and when Zohara and I started broadcasting our weekly radio show, 21st Century Radio, in 1988, Ingo was one of our first guests on the air. He returned to join us close to a dozen times after that, both on my show and on my wife’s show, to describe the books he was writing about Mother Mary, natural ESP, the bodymindsuperpowers, Purple Fables, and the revolutionary book that no publishing company would touch: Penetration: the Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy, which is the subject I talked most about on camera for this documentary.

Ingo Swann, Psychic Remote Viewer, Bowery New York. Photograph by Maryanne Bilham Knight.

Robert M. Knight and Maryanne Bilham are both legendary rock and roll photographers, whose own story of meeting and connecting with Ingo Swann is as quirky and wonderful as Ingo himself. Because it’s still in production phase, we can’t tell you much about the film, but based on what we’ve learned so far and the people who have been interviewed and the secrets that have been revealed, it promises to be a blockbuster. We put them in touch with Nancy du Tertre, author of How to Talk to an Alien: Can They Speak Our Languages? Can They Read Our Minds? and we were fortunate enough to enjoy dinner with her the evening before her interview. Nancy was a protégé of Ingo’s and the details of her encounters with him were priceless.

Nancy du Tertre and Dr. Bob Hieronimus getting ready to enjoy some traditional Baltimore crabcakes, hon!

Robert M. Knight has photographed and befriended most of the “guitar gods” of the rock and roll universe, including Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, B.B. King, Slash, and countless more. www.RobertMKnight.com. Maryanne Bilham has many iconic album covers to her credit and a special relationship with artists like Santana, The Go-Gos, Def Leppard, and her work was featured in “Rock Prophecies,” a $1 million feature-length documentary based on Knight’s life, which is in rotation on 200 PBS television stations and is also available on Netflix and Itunes. www.maryannebilhamphotography.com.

(c) 1998-2016. All Rights Reserved

Dr. Bob takes off his hat to Ringo Starr and the All Starr Band — 21st Century Radio and Hieronimus & Co., Inc.

Dr. Bob takes off his hat to Ringo Starr and the All Starr Band

UPDATED Aug 24, 2012.

Ringo Starr Sticking with Dr. Bob’s Hat!

Ringo’s still rockin’ the straw boater hat Dr. Bob tossed to him onstage at the Ringo Starr and the All Starr Band concert at the Meyerhoff Symphony Hall in Baltimore, Maryland on 24 June 2012. Here Ringo is seen wearing it in his August update message on his own website. Dr. Bob posted his hat-throwing video as a Happy Birthday message since we posted it right before Ringo’s birthday on July 7th.

Click here to go to Ringos’ site and see his video update wearing Dr. Bob’s hat!

ringo starr drumstick dr bob hieronimus ringo starr

Dr. Bob and friend and photographer Stuart Zolotorow each got a Ringo drumstick from backstage!


Happy Birthday Ringo!

I was so overwhelmed at the conclusion of the Ringo Starr and the All Starr Band concert at the Meyerhoff Symphony Hall in Baltimore, Maryland on 24 June 2012 that I “took off my hat to him.” In this video, you can see my straw boater hat flying up on stage and landing next to Ringo during “Give Peace a Chance.” He picks it up, plops it on his head, gives a little bow of thanks to me (sitting in the second row), and trots off the stage. I hope he enjoys his present.

We heard from Toby Blumenthal, Event Manager at the Meyerhoff, home of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra, who had secured this concert for them, that “He must have liked the hat enough to take it with him. I noticed that hat on his head as he left the venue and got into his awaiting car!” Thanks for bringing Ringo and his band to Baltimore, Toby. I hope they will come again.

This is the first time Ringo has played Baltimore since he was in that other band you may have heard of called The Beatles. As he said in his concert banter, he doesn’t know why he stayed away so long when the crowd’s reaction to him was so overwhelmingly positive. And he said our Meyerhoff Symphony Hall was beautiful and “more posh” than the venues he and the All Starr Band are used to.

At 21st Century Radio, we celebrated Ringo’s return to Baltimore by celebrating the simultaneously-timed release of the remastered Yellow Submarine film. We did a two hour special on 13 May 2012 that featured Yellow Sub co-director Bob Balser, and the remastering chief Paul Rutan, together with Toby Blumenthal promoting the upcoming Ringo concert. Check out the new Yellow Submarine on DVD or Blue Ray here and listen to my radio interviews here.

Then check out Ringo’s latest album “Ringo 2012” here. My favorite is his “Anthem” to peace and love. You gotta love Ringo for staying on message all these years. Peace and love, man. It’s the answer to everything. Happy Birthday Ringo!

Video courtesy of Scott Zolotorow


The American Beauty: A New Constellation

The American Beauty: A New Constellation

by Robert R. Hieronimus, Ph.D.

In 1986-87 I painted a series of watercolors called “The American Beauty”, different perspectives on American flags where the seven red stripes were composed of 16 intertwined red roses. We all know that the red rose stands for love, respect and courage, and these are ideals I would like to reconnect to our flag. Adding the rose to the American flag projects a balance of love, beauty, perfection and achievement to the more overt sensations it radiates of strength, courage and honor.

I chose the number 16 as deliberately as the roses. In numerology, 16 is an expression of happiness, good wishes and hopes. In the mystical I-Ching Chinese Book of Changes, the 16th hexagram is “enthusiasm” which assists one “to install helpers and to set armies marching.” Following numerological procedure, we add the numbers 1+6 to arrive at seven. Seven in the mystical Hebrew kabala is “victory”. For me, 16 also conjures the 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, who gave his life to perpetuate the American experiment.

The other artistic license I took was in vibrating the blue surrounding each star. Notice how the stars vibrate in the heavens, signifying cosmic vibrations. I did this to emphasize their cosmic element and the fundamental teaching that all things are vibration.

This “American Beauty” presents a complete picture of the American experience inspiring both patriotism and higher ideals. What follows is an excerpt from a chapter in my book United Symbolism of America about the flag’s mysterious history. Look for the cosmic drama that unfolds when you interpret the American flag using the Kabbala, the I-Ching, and archetypes.

Our Flag As Cosmic Drama

One of the reasons the Founding Fathers did not leave us a lengthy symbolic interpretation of the flag or other symbols they designed was their far greater level of familiarity with heraldry, symbols and art than is commonplace today. Reading symbols and designs would have been as simple as reading in a foreign language for many of them. On June 14, 1777, Congress resolved, in one rather non-descriptive sentence, “That the flag of the thirteen United States be thirteen stripes alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.” Note the lack of official designation for the layout pattern of the stars, and the number of points the stars should have. Traditional historians tell us that the colonists used the colors red, white and blue because not only were they the most available and reliable for flags, but also because these colors were familiar from the British Union Jack. While this explanation does make sense, it does not acknowledge that our founders were also aware of some of the ancient correspondences attached to these colors, numbers and shapes. The following is a symbolic interpretation of the American flag based on my understanding of symbols as used since ancient times in all world cultures, most of which was readily available to the educated gentlemen of 230+ years ago.

The Rectangle Within a Temple Within a Rectangle

The blue field of the flag, called the canton, and the entire flag itself when viewed as a whole, are both rectangular in form. To the ancients, rectangles symbolized temples, probably because most ancient temples were constructed in this shape. The stars within the blue canton represent the stars in the heavens, meaning the temple of our flag is related to the universe. The founders acknowledged this when they called the stars a “new constellation” in the June 14th resolution. The white in the stars is linked to silver and thus to the moon representing the perfected personality, the perfection of the physical body in alignment with the spiritual temple.

The Color Blue

The blue in the canton symbolizes wisdom and is related to the heavens, where one looks for wisdom. Blue is also related to the planet Jupiter, standing for justice, knowledge, honor and nobility. Jupiter is the symbols for expansiveness, all-inclusiveness and a breaking down of barriers and limitations. The official explanation for the meanings of the colors in the flag are derived from the writings of Charles Thomson, America’s first Secretary of Congress, when he explained the meanings behind the red, white and blue used in the Great Seal in 1782. Most historians assume the Founding Fathers intended these same meanings to apply to the flag five years earlier, but this has not been documented. According to Thomson, the color blue signified “vigilance, perseverance and justice.” But reading into the symbols a bit deeper, a canton field of blue with white stars within it suggests that our country is designed to be in line with the spiritual elements of the heaven worlds, as above, so below. It depicts a place where the spiritual world and the physical world are in alignment, and therefore a state of perfection.

The Color White

Thomson’s statement on the Seal tells us the color white “signifies purity and innocence”, but in heraldry, white is also used to symbolize silver, which is linked to the moon, and therefore to the feminine side of the human. White is a combination of all colors of the visible light spectrum or the rainbow. Placing the white stars in a circle reemphasizing unity and equality. Each star depicted in the color white indicates that all the people within each state are also equal to each other. Placing them in a circle means none of the states are above another. We are all one.

The Color Red

Regarding red, Thomson says it is, “hardiness and valour”, but the color red is also symbolically linked to the planet Mars and to blood. Mars basically symbolizes a masculine energy. According to the ancient wisdom teachings it is within the genetic structure of the blood that the energy of the seven bodies is connected from the physical to the divine.

Six White Plus Seven Red Equals Thirteen
6 + 7 = 13

The number 13 was represented in the original flag in both the canton with 13 stars and in the fly (or the horizontal length) with 13 stripes. While the obvious connection is to the first 13 states, a deeper meaning can be gained by looking at the numbers six and seven individually. Six symbolizes beauty, balance, symmetry, harmony of opposites, equilibrium, and reciprocity. Seven symbolizes victory of spirit over matter. It took seven days for God to create the world, and on the seventh day He rested. He was victorious over matter. Seven also is a number related to time and transformations in the changing positions of the sun and the seven planets. It expresses the rhythm of evolution, the week and its days.

Combining the number seven with the color red (Mars, activity, masculine energy, power) and the number six with the color white (moon, purity, feminine energy, intuition) we have another demonstration of symbolic balance as seen on the American flag. Added together, six and seven equal thirteen, which has long been a symbol for regeneration and rebirth. The seven red and six white stripes could be translated thusly: Victory is assured through the balance and harmony of opposites. The American flag symbolizes regeneration or rebirth.

The Five-Pointed Star

Originally the American flag used stars with six, seven or even eight points, and it is unknown when the five pointed star became more popular. After all, it was not until 1912 that an official arrangement of the stars was proclaimed. A major part of the Betsy Ross legend has her demonstrating how much easier it was for a seamstress to snip a five-pointed star over a six-pointed star, but there is ample documentation that flag design during and after the Revolution varied widely. Very many flags (and probably the original design by artist Francis Hopkinson) used six-pointed stars. In heraldry, stars of the sky would usually be depicted with six, seven or eight points, and a five-pointed star would refer to the stars of planet Earth, or flowers. The five-pointed star in use today has many mystical meanings, including as a sign of intellectual omnipotence and autocracy. Today it is readily associated with the military. It has been called the star of the Magi and the burning star of the Gnostic schools. It is also the symbol of the word made flesh and the small world or the microcosm, or the human being with its head at the top and four appendages below. Christian’s linked it to man’s five physical senses. A five pointed star drawn as one stroke with intersecting lines, the pentagram is thought to have first been deemed sacred by the ancients tracing the path that Venus makes as it traverses the Zodiac.

Fifty Stars

The number of stars on the American flag has increased as our country expanded. Thus we are evolving with our flag. Studying the number 50 we follow a numerological procedure of adding the two digits 5 + 0 bringing us to a total of 5. Five is also the number of points in the stars and is translated by Paul Foster Case as “the dynamic law proceeding from abstract order… [it is] mediation…, adaptation, means, agency, activity, process, and the like.” The fifty stars can be compared to the Milky Way or our galaxy, symbolizing the path to the deity; it is a connecting link to higher consciousness. In the I Ching, the 50th hexagram is Ting, the Cauldron, representing transformation. The judgment of the cauldron is supreme good fortune and success, and can be likened to the “melting pot” philosophy of this nation.

We may conclude that our galaxy of 50 stars is only one small part of the divine plan, as exemplified by the blue canton being a fraction of the red and white striped fly of the flag. Victory (7) is assured through balance and harmony (6). Wisdom (blue field) is the source from which emanate the 5-pointed stars (word made flesh) reflected in the balance of the red and white stripes. The smaller rectangle (blue field) is a reflection of the larger rectangle (stripes). This is analogous to the body being a physical temple for the soul, which is but another temple for the Deity. Therefore we must go within to gain understanding and wisdom. As above, so below; as within, so without. So much is said with so few symbols. That is truly the glory of symbols, through which we can learn the deeper meaning of America’s flag.

A New Age for Flags

Beyond that one woefully inadequate sentence in the June 14, 1777 resolution, our Founding Fathers did not leave us any other official documentation on their personal interpretations or intentions for the flag’s design. It evolved and changed as the country grew and changed, and popular usage and patriotic legends played as much a part in shaping the final design we all know today as did any government proclamations or design committees. Much of what we all “know” about the history of our flag was not published or conceived until around a hundred years later. In the 1870s, as the nation healed from the Civil War and planned its first Centennial, a new patriotism surged across the nation. It was in these times that the name Betsy Ross was first mentioned and the legend was born.

What can be documented about our flag’s history, is much sketchier, but equally compelling. The “Continental Colors” is considered our first national flag, having been hoisted by General George Washington on January 1, 1776 in defiance of the British Navy in Boston Harbor. (See illustration.) It consisted of the Colonists’ “old flag”, the British Union Jack, being reduced to the canton, and the fly of the flag consisting of the red and white stripes for the 13 united colonies. These red and white stripes were already in use by the Sons of Liberty, an organized secret society of militant instigators. They called it their “union” flag and flew it over the Liberty Tree in Boston and probably over the Boston Tea Party in 1773. By connecting himself with the Sons of Liberty, Washington was sending a clear message of defiance to the British navy off Boston harbor, though some of the British were confused by the presence of the Union Jack. Most Americans clearly understood the 13 stripes to mean all the colonies were “united” behind this fight, (later nicknaming this “The Grand Union Flag”), some of the British were confused by the presence of the Union Jack, and erroneously interpreted it as a sign of capitulation. This confusion is well documented, and it is likely that someone on the new Navy board would have acted soon to adapt the new country’s flag design. Flags were used more prevalently by the Navy in those days, and it would have been deemed imperative to design something quickly for the new country’s ships to be identified across vast distances.

How Francis Morphed Into Betsy

The person who designed the new flag that changed the Grand Union in the canton to the “new constellation” was most likely Francis Hopkinson, America’s unknown, unpaid artist. Francis Hopkinson was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and ratifier of the Constitution. He was a New Jersey delegate to the Continental Congress and head of the Marine Committee which directed most Naval matters during the war. He served as treasurer of the Continental Loan Office, judge of the Admiralty Court of Pennsylvania, and judge of U.S. District Court. He was an artist, musician, lawyer, and author. Like the writings of Tom Paine, Hopkinson’s popular songs, poems and pamphlets helped arouse the rebellious nature of the young Americans. Yet today, if you ask any American who designed their flag, most of them will say “Betsy Ross”.

Francis Hopkinson was a “fancier” of seals and emblems and a student of heraldry. He designed the state seal of New Jersey, the seals of the U.S. Navy and the Treasury Department, as well as the Colonial forty- and fifty-dollar bills. He also contributed significantly to the design of the Great Seal of the United States. In 1780 he petitioned Congress to be paid for some of his design work, and in that list he included an item for £9, “the Naval Flag of the United States”. Though this petition was ultimately denied, for reasons like men in public office were expected to donate these kinds of extra services, it was not officially challenged that he was in fact, the designer of the nation’s flag. It was apparently a contemporary belief that Francis Hopkinson’s design was the one referred to in the June 14, 1777 resolution mentioning the “new constellation”.

Not so, said the grandson of Elizabeth Griscom Ross Ashburn Claypoole a hundred years later (1870) when he addressed the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. William Canby’s memories of his grandmother’s claims were backed up by affidavits signed by Ross’s daughter and niece, as well, both of whom had worked with her in her upholstery business. Though there are quite possibly some nuggets of truth in this colorful story, the part that was immortalized in a painting showing Ross with the flag on her knee and George Washington with other founders in her parlor in 1776, is almost certainly an exaggeration.

Betsy Ross was certainly a flag-maker and a staunch supporter of the war, despite her Quaker upbringing. She also worshipped at the same church as Washington when he was in Philadelphia, and there is no reason to doubt her claim that she did tailoring work for the great man. Nowhere in his copious diaries and letters did Washington ever mention a pivotal meeting in the back room of a seamstress’s house, however, where he and she together knocked out the final design for the new national standard. And as late as 1779, Washington was still corresponding with the War Board about the design for the “Standard of the United States”, something he was unlikely to do had he already approved of the final design back in ’76.

The Mother Myth and Betsy Ross

For the past 100 years we have added a “Founding Mother” to our national pantheon. There were others who claimed to have sewn the first flag (Mary Young Pickersgill of Star Spangled Banner flag fame among them), but Ross’s camp benefited by a well-endowed P.R. campaign. Launched by the Betsy Ross Memorial Association in 1909 to save her home as the American Flag House, their painting of Betsy Ross (made from composite portraits of her descendants) meeting with the alleged committee of Congress in her parlor eventually made its way into schoolbooks and impressed itself into our collective unconscious. In addition to it being just the right patriotic (“matriotic”?) story for the time, Betsy Ross also filled the void in our nation’s history of the Mother figure archetype. Like the Pietá, with the Mother Mary holding the body of Christ across her lap, the image of Betsy Ross with our nation’s first flag draped across her lap inspires a sense of motherly care and affection that had been lacking in our national identity since the intervention of the white man. For countless centuries before Columbus, this land had been populated by a tribal culture, a great many of whom operated on a matriarchal basis. Franklin, Jefferson, Paine and many others adopted governing practices from the natives, but unfortunately, their high regard for women and the important role they played in their society was suppressed. This was a mistake we have only recently begun to correct in the outer world. In the inner world, our need for a mother figure asserted itself much faster. This subconscious craving for a Founding Mother explains why Betsy Ross’s legend was accepted so readily. Like one of the Fates, the young twice-widowed woman stitches day and night, an image of nurturing commitment, of being overshadowed or blessed. She gave birth to the form, in this case a flag, from the modest surrounds of her own home, the castle within. She nurtures and protects. She gives hope to every individual, and especially to women, that their contributions are valued. She reminds us that it is the heart and the simple deeds of each one of us that ultimately affirm the human spirit.

Betsy Ross’s story represents the world mother camouflaged in heraldry. That we chose a simple woman who assumed her husband’s business after his death, over an accomplished man in charge of the Continental Navy Board, to be the personage behind our flag is revealing of our unconscious needs. As so often happens with “history”, the greater Meta-need overrules the factual evidence. In perpetuating the Betsy Ross legend, the Meta-need for wholeness, for accepting our female qualities and treating women with equal regard, won out over documentary evidence.

The young men and women of America who determined some truths to be self-evident in regards to rejecting the oppressive tyrannical rule of the monarchy were deliberate in their selection of symbols to illustrate their cause. Especially in those days of low literacy rates, when the great majority of the populace was already attuned to learning through symbols, the planners of the revolution had to be very careful in their selection of the “new country’s” symbols. Because they had extremely pressing physical concerns in the years leading up to and through the actual war, many of these symbols, like the first “Stars and Stripes”, were the result of collective bargaining and modifications by many people over many years. Most of them did not come with any interpretive text, and the legendary myths of their meanings and origins have been added later by enthusiastic patriots with a flair for embellishing a story, and symbol readers like myself. And when it comes to reading symbols, the first and last thing that must be remembered is that every symbol has more than one layer of interpretation.

For more information on the writings of Dr. Robert R. Hieronimus regarding the esoteric meanings of America’s symbols, or his media programs with wife Zohara Meyerhoff Hieronimus, visit www.21stCenturyRadio.com.

21st Century Radio and Hieronimus & Co., Inc.






Read More Joe Hoenick

America’s Mad Dash To Irrelevance: Presidential Campaign 2012

Talk About Entitlements

Peace Promises of Ahmadinejad and Hitler

To Obama And Romney: Start Acting Presidential

A Vote Is Only The Beginnning Of Democracy

Dangers Of Irrelevance … America In The World

Can America Really Afford Peace?: The Unspoken Question



Santorum Gone? Don’t Bet On It!

A Nation at War: Where’s the Music?

India and Bribery and ‘Progressive’ Media Hypocrisy


November Fools’ Day

Can America Really Afford Peace? The Unspoken Question

Bottom Lines and Bottomless Pits

Welcome to Theater of the Absurd: AARP Board a Tougher Entry Than Congress or the Presidency

COMMENTARY: The United Nations of Hypocrisy, Part II










COMMENTARY: Palin’s lack of control demonstrates why she is not presidential class

Some many months ago, I offered in these pages a piece reciting what I called BAD or Bipartisan Asinine Diplomacy as it then related to Washington trying to play tough with Chinese folks.  It’s time for another shot because those folks in Beijing must be laughing their heads off at what’s going on here again, this time over a particular person who has been resisting the retime there.

In 2008, when then candidate Obama took the unusual step to meet with Iraqi power folks during the campaign, he was warned by the Republicans that we only have one president at a time, and he is the “negotiator in chief” as well.

         Comes now another especially sensitive time in US-Chinese relations, and guess who has decided to avoid presenting at least the appearance of a “united” American leadership?  Why none other than the same Republicans who defended former president Bush’s turf a few years back, and, today, showing us to be in major disarray as a bunch of political chest thumpers…when it was  more than possible the matter of the popular Chinese dissident could have been concluded with him and his family on their way to America.

         In political negotiations as in any other arena, it is not advisable to try to embarrass the opposition into submission for one simple reason:  it does not work.  Anyone who has tried that in a family intramural argument should know that!

         But, no, the same GOP power PR boys and girls who  might have made major points with both Americans AND Chinese decided to take the distinctly childish,counterproductive and frankly disloyal decision to show they’re by golly tougher and can ram the Chinese up against the wall.  Had presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney at least offered to take a “time out” from the heavy duty mutual campaign combat and suggested to President Obama the importance of their showing the American flag instead of the opposite, both the President and the Chinese would have been caught off guard, and American voters might have seen former consultant Romney in a new and positive light.

         But that opportunity has been lost to the foolhardy right wing of the supposedly moderate Romney’s party, and the nation is left the embarrassed third party

         As noted earlier, the process of persuasion and negotiation is to leave both sides with some comfort to get a desired result.  This is a principle taught at the college level and thought not to be a necessary reminder to people spending tons of SuperPac millions on an election when the position at stake is supposedly the leadership of what’s left of the free world.

         Is there still some chance of redemption?  Only, and really only, if Mitt Romney can gather the guts to overrule whoever is doing those foolish things assert himself as the leader who sometime, in the interest of the nation, must speak privately to sitting president so they can show the world Peter Pan is not running the place.

         Only then will the Chinese and even our allies show some respect.



Dalai Lama’s Prediction – The World Will Be Saved by Western Women


Photo of the Dalai Lama by Mary Milholland, 1972.

Dalai Lama’s Prediction is Playing out in 2013: “The World Will Be Saved by Western Women”

At the Peace Summit Conference in 2009 in Vancouver, Canada, the Dalai Lama said, “The world will be saved by Western women.” While this comment may have puzzled many people, those of us among the privileged working for gender equality in this country were galvanized to action by this insight.

When Zoh and I saw how instrumental the record number of women in the U.S. Congress were in ending the shutdown of the government, we remembered this prediction and saw it as validated.

Time Magazine has an article by Jay Newton-Small called “11 Things You Don’t Know About the Senate Sisterhood”, in which she says: “You can credit the tight, bipartisan bonds that these women have formed for not only seeding the compromise that reopened the government, but the vast majority of the legislation passed this session.

“Senate Appropriations Committee Chair Mikulski pushed through a government funding bill in January that avoided both a government shutdown and a default on U.S. debt; Budget Committee Chair Patty Murray passed the first Democratic budget in four years; Environment and Public Works Committee Chair Barbara Boxer saw through a $105 billion transportation bill and a $12.5 billion water resources bill; Agriculture Committee Chair Debbie Stabenow got the $955 billion farm bill passed; and all 20 women banded together to see the Violence Against Women Act signed into law. Except for immigration reform, every major bill passed this session has been authored by a woman.

And to that we say “Hallelujah!” The Dalai Lama was Right On! Let’s elect another 25 women to both the House and the Senate in 2014 and begin to put our nation and planet back together again.

Our nation was founded on top of the strongest matrilineal societies on the planet, and despite colonial Europe’s very effective extermination efforts, our Indigenous people survived and in recent decades are beginning to regain some bits of what they lost. In our research for a new book called The Secret Life of Lady Liberty, we learned that a great deal about the usually overlooked impact of the Native Americans on Euro-Americans. Unfortunately, our founders were unable to grasp the fundamental truth of most of these native societies on the East Coast – that their long-term success stemmed from the place of power and reverence afforded to women. Representatives from the League of the Iroquois taught Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, and many others about their representational democracy, and were even invited to attend and advise the Continental Congress during their deliberations. The Iroquois League had maintained a successful peaceful union for hundreds of years, and the Colonists got their first inklings of independence by observing these societies living around them. See Jack Weatherford’s Indian Givers or Native Roots for more examples of the hundreds of ways Europeans learned from the indigenous peoples beyond their government structure, including agricultural science, medicine and controlled burn techniques.

This is a drawing by Mohawk John Kahoinhes Fadden illustrating how the Iroquois were invited to share their wisdom with the Congress during the planning stages of the new government. This Der Spiegel interview with Dr. Bob Hieronimus will be one of the only documentaries that discusses this subject in any detail.

For our readers in Germany, be sure to watch the special I filmed for Der Spiegel TV, which is scheduled to air in December 2013. Unlike the dozens of U.S. documentaries on which I have been interviewed for History, Discovery, Nat Geo, SyFy, Fox, etc., the interviewers for Der Spiegel seemed to understand the importance of the Native Americans’ impact on American and world history, and I was pleased to answer their many questions about it. Click here for more about this interview on the symbolism of the dollar bill and the mysterious layout of Washington, DC.


What Drives An Artist to Paint Cars?

Dr. Bob and his ArtCar We the People featured in bmore magazine and Artscape!

What Drives An Artist to Paint Cars?

From the bmore feature by Jolene Carr with photographs by Steve Ruark

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Bob Hieronimus recounts his notable artistic accomplishment of painting more than 50 murals in Baltimore.
There’s the 2,700 square-foot “The Apocalypse,” finished in 1969 at Johns Hopkins University, which depicts history as a cyclical force. His “E Pluribus Unum” completed in 1985 features famed diners at the Lexington Market. The 1996 “A Little Help From Our Friends” on the side of the Safe and Smart Community Resource Center on Greenmount Avenue portrays inspirational figures from Bob Marley to Rachel Carson.
But Hieronimus’ friendly blue eyes light up when he explains that his preferred canvas comes on four wheels. This summer will mark his 6th year participating in Artscape’s Art Car Exhibit, displaying a biodiesel-fueled 1984 Mercedes, known as “We the People.”
One of the nation’s largest free arts festivals, Artscape welcomes more 350,000 visitors during its three-day run each July and generates nearly $26 million for Baltimore. This year’s festival runs July 20-22 and marks its 31-year anniversary and its 19th year showcasing the art car exhibit.
One of Artscape’s most popular feature, the exhibit showcases cars with outlandish designs covering every inch of their frame. The cars attract a crowd, some with their mouths agape and observing in silence and others chatting with their friends about the visual spectacle before them. Artists design their cars without restraints, says Artscape Visual Arts Coordinator Jim Lucio. Art cars have ranged from a giant banana to an all-glass motif.
Hieronimus and his car remain memorable. “Bob is a great art car ambassador,” Lucio says. “He’s very engaging with the festival crowd and shows a great local car that everyone enjoys.”
Like his other artwork, Hieronimus’ art car begs for constant reassessment and rediscovery.  He says art cars are like billboards with different stories.
Hieronimus’ “We the People” car offers a harmonious blend of symbols and people, including the first African American astronomer Benjamin Banneker, the Iroquois prophet Deganawida and the names of six Iroquois nations scrolled across the hood. It also features Thomas Jefferson and Jimi Hendrix doing his Woodstock rendition of “The Star Spangled Banner. “ Hieronimus describes this as a reminder “that America has a spiritual destiny.”
The Owings Mills native and host of 21st Century Radio, Hieronimus says he wants people to see cars as symbolic change agents.
 “The reason why I painted cars was not the reason why most people painted cars,” says Hieronimus, 68, sporting a ponytail under his Beatle’s Yellow Submarine hat.
He started doing it in the 60s, at a time of what he describes as “mega-corruption.”
But artists like himself felt there was nothing they could do about it.
“We felt totally powerless, and when we talked to other people about it, they would say, ‘Ah, you’re just 22 years old, what the hell do you know?’ I realized that if I had something to say I better put it on a billboard. Well I couldn’t buy a billboard because I didn’t have any money. So I painted my car.”
Hieronimus’ first car depicted money, soda and other “American hang-ups.” In 1968 he painted his famous “Light” the Woodstock Bus that became emblematic of the festival’s free spiritedness.
His fondness for mobile art especially lies in the bus. “It has big, flat areas,” explains Hieronimus.
“When you do a theme or a group of symbols, you have more places to work with. With the Mercedes or similar cars, there’s a lot of changes in the shape of them, so it’s more difficult.”
After a 30-year hiatus, Hieronimus’ next art car would be “Founding Fathers’ Secret Societies” in 2006, the first car that was Artscape-bound.
Hieronimus says he takes three to six months forming and revising designs on a schematic that resembles a paint-by-number. A skilled art car artist is also mindful of the upholstery color and car windows, considering how to best marry the interior with the exterior.
Implementing the final designs on the vehicle generally takes four to five months of 14-to-16 hour days. Hieronimus purchases roughly $5,000 in One Shot paint, a toxic paint used for vehicle surfaces. He used more than 100 quarts in 26 colors, eight different shades of red for each stripe on the car for his “Founding Fathers” art car.
Hieronimus says that aside from elderly ladies who often scoff at covering the surface of a classic Mercedes, he gets appreciative reactions from onlookers, whether he’s at Artscape, an Oriole’s game, or out running errands.
With four books from four different publishers in the works, Hieronimus says he has no desire to design a new art car but will continue to showcase “We the People.”
He does hope to inspire potential art car artists and offers advice.
“You are allowed from that standpoint to build your own little story  —  a story about who you are. If you follow through, you will really have something later on to enjoy. You’re bringing pleasure to all kinds of people.”

Jolene Carr is Bmore Media’s summer intern and a graduate student at Towson University. She is originally from Syracuse, N.Y.


Bob Hieronimus and his art car.

A detail of Bob Hieronimus’s art car.

All photographs by STEVE RUARK

as published by bmore – https://bmoremedia.com/features/artcar071712.aspx

Hieronimus & Co., Inc.

Thank you to everyone who posted birthday wishes for me on Facebook
(and sent cards and Emails)!

Happy Birthday! Thank you to everyone who posted birthday wishes for me here (and sent cards and Emails)! My family knows I take birthdays very seriously, celebrating for weeks in advance. I’m sorry I’m not on Facebook much, and don’t post immediate responses, but that’s the way it is with the promises I made this lifetime. It won’t surprise some of you to learn that I have lived many lifetimes as a soldier, including my last lifetime during the American Revolution, when I paid the ultimate sacrifice and died in battle even before the Declaration of Independence was signed. This lifetime I was allowed to serve our beloved nation in the capacity of educator, artist, and author, and within these boundaries I am still motivated to serve every waking moment challenging the forces bent on destroying our Constitutional Republic.

These thoughts are at the forefront of my mind lately, as I’ve been working on a book about the Statue of Liberty to show how she is a manifestation of the Divine Feminine. Once again, I am astounded at the conspiracy theories that a small pocket of ill-informed paranoid bigots spread about this female symbol, and am reminded of the current conspiracy theories being collected around our first black president. The Statue of Liberty is attacked by the fundamentalist-conspiratorialists because she is a goddess, and as such, they see her as a threat to their concept of Christianity, where any depiction of divinity other than their paternalistic God the Father and Son is, by necessity, Satanic. Right now the hate-mongers are raging that Mr. Obama was raised a Muslim and therefore they fear he will be too tolerant of Muslims entering what they call “this Christian nation”. These American extremists fear Muslims because they believe Muslims are intent on taking over the world and wiping out Christianity. There are so many holes in this argument, I will focus on just the one. America is not a Christian nation. It was not founded as a Christian nation. The majority of our Founding Fathers were Christians, but as Deists, they were motivated by the philosophy of reason and the Age of Enlightenment, in which one of their priorities was to create a land were religious tolerance was enshrined in Law. The separation of church and state was the goal. Christianity was not promoted – liberty and religious tolerance were promoted. America was never a Christian nation.

In addition to my work on the Statue of Liberty, I’ve also been working on my memoirs (in which a number of you will play a part), as well as a revised version of my book on the Yellow Submarine.

Anyway, that’s one of the reasons you don’t see me lurking the halls of Facebook much. But your heart-warming birthday greetings brought me out of my lair long enough to pen you this missive. As Ben Franklin wrote for his epitaph, showing his belief in reincarnation: “The body of B. Franklin, printer, (like the cover of an old book, its contents torn out and stript of its lettering and gilding) lies here, food for worms, but the work shall not be lost for it will appear once more, in a new and more elegant edition, revised and corrected by the author.” My own hope is to revise and correct my own edition before returning to the other dimensions. Life is a school, and as usual, I’m late for class. See you on the radio! (please visit the 21st Century Radio page and give us a “like”!)


Fukushima reactor shows radiation levels much higher than thought

Fukushima reactor shows radiation levels much higher than thought

Damage from disaster so severe that clean-up expected to take decades, according to latest examination of nuclear plant

A view from above the water inside number two reactor, where the water is 60cms (24ins) from the bottom. Photograph: Reuters

One of Japan‘s crippled nuclear reactors still has fatally high radiation levels and much less water to cool it than officials estimated, according to an internal examination that renews doubts about the plant’s stability.

A tool equipped with a tiny video camera, a thermometer, a dosimeter and a water gauge was used to assess damage inside the number two reactor’s containment chamber for the second time since the tsunami swept into the Fukushima Daiichi plant, a year ago.

The data shows the damage from the disaster is so severe the plant operator will have to develop special equipment and technology to tolerate the harsh environment, and decommission the plant. The process is expected to last decades.

The other two reactors that had meltdowns could be in even worse shape. The number two reactor is the only one officials have been able to closely examine so far.

Tuesday’s examination, with an industrial endoscope, detected radiation levels up to 10 times the fatal dose inside the chamber.

Plant officials previously said more than half of the melted fuel had breached the core and dropped to the floor of the primary containment vessel, some of it splashing against the wall or the floor.

Particles from melted fuel have probably sent radiation levels up to a dangerously high 70 an hour inside the container, said Junichi Matsumoto, spokesman for the plant operator, Tepco. The figure far exceeds the highest level previously detected, of 10 sieverts an hour, which was detected around an exhaust duct shared by the number one and two units last year.

“It’s extremely high,” he said, adding that an endoscope would last only 14 hours in those conditions. When locating and removing melted fuel during the decommissioning process, he said, “we have to develop equipment that can tolerate high radiation”.

The probe also found that the containment vessel – a beaker-shaped container enclosing the core – had cooling water up to only 60cms (24ins) from the bottom, far below the 10 metres estimated when the government declared the plant stable in December. The plant is continuing to pump water into the reactor.

Video footage taken by the probe showed the water inside was clear but contained dark yellow sediments, believed to be fragments of rust, paint or dust.

An investigation carried out in January failed to find the water surface, and provided only images showing steam, unidentified parts and rusty metal surfaces scarred by exposure to radiation, heat and humidity. Finding the water level was important to help locate damaged areas where radioactive water is escaping.

Matsumoto said the actual water level inside the chamber was way off the estimate, which had used data that turned out to be unreliable.

But the results do not affect the plant’s “cold shutdown status” because the water temperature was about 50C, indicating the melted fuel is cooled.

Three Daiichi reactors had meltdowns, but the number two reactor is the only one that has been examined because radiation levels inside the reactor building are relatively low and its container is designed with a convenient slot to send in the endoscope.

The exact conditions of the other two reactors, where hydrogen explosions damaged their buildings, are still unknown. Simulations have indicated that more fuel inside number one has breached the core than the other two, but radiation at number three remains the highest.

The high radiation levels inside the number two reactor’s chamber mean it is inaccessible to the workers, but parts of the reactor building are accessible for a few minutes at a time – with the workers wearing full protection.

The 2011 earthquake and a tsunami set off the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl, sending three reactor cores into meltdown and causing massive radiation leaks.

The government said in December that the reactors had been safely cooled, and the plant had been stabilised, but experts have questioned its vulnerability.

During a recent visit by journalists, the head of the plant said it remained vulnerable to strong aftershocks and tsunamis, and that containing contaminated water and radiation remained a challenge. Radioactive water had leaked into the ocean several times already.

Workers had found a fresh leak of 120 tonnes from one of the hoses at a water treatment unit this week, with an estimated 80 litres escaping into the ocean, Matsumoto said. Officials are still investigating its impact.

Fukushima’s accident has caused public distrust and concerns about nuclear safety, making it difficult for the government to start up reactors even after regular safety checks. All but one of Japan’s 54 reactors are offline, with the last scheduled to stop in early May.

From https://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2012/mar/28/fukushima-reactor-radiation-levels