Uranus Square Pluto 2012

Uranus Square Pluto 2012

Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn: Our world could experience very serious changes this year due to the Uranus-Pluto Square. We want you to be aware that the planet may be in for some very serious changes this year due to the Uranus-Pluto Square. Please be aware and be prepared, especially around June 24th of this year, and then again July 17, and Sept 18-19th 2012.

from DarkStarAstrology.com

Uranus represents change, invention, revolution and higher awareness, it’s effect is shocking, unpredictable and erratic. Pluto represents globalization, destruction, transformation and renewal, it’s effect is grinding, ruthless and extreme. Both of these planets are distinctly non-personal and emotionless, yet their effect is dramatic and deeply felt. The square is the most challenging of the planetary aspects representing tests and challenges, it’s effect is stressful and frustrating.

* Uranus square Pluto June 26 2012
* Uranus square Pluto September 19 2012
* Uranus square Pluto May 21 2013
* Uranus square Pluto November 1 2013
* Uranus square Pluto April 21 2014
* Uranus square Pluto December 15 2014
* Uranus square Pluto March 17 2015

The last time Uranus squared Pluto (4/21/1932-1/18/1934)

  • The Great Depression in the United States
  • the rise of Nazi Germany 
The challenged side of the 2012-2015 Uranus square Pluto

  • The Middle East: violent toppling of governments
  • European economies: defaults or bailouts
  • Geological upheavals: earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes
  • Terrorist threats and attacks 
The bright side of the 2012-2015 Uranus square Pluto

  • Occupy Wall Street Movement: the left marches, bringing awareness to corporate greed
  • The Tea Party Movement: the far right speaks out against government spending
  • Breakthroughs in theoretical physics: string theory, gravitational waves, dark matter
  • Breakthroughs in medicine: the Human Genome Project  


More info:






William Donald Schaefer – a Man of Rebirth

William Donald Schaefer – a Man of Rebirth

A Tribute from Dr. Bob Hieronimus, www.21stCenturyRadio.com

William Donald Schaefer was all about rebirth. And I don’t mean just what he famously did for the renaissance of the City of Baltimore. He had a deeply spiritual and almost mystical side to him that few would ever see. His vision for the future was as distant as his appreciation for the far distant past, and his underlying goals and motivations were towards a future of “one people, one planet.” His support for the Baltimore Sister City relationships with Alexandria and Luxor, Egypt brought forth memories of his possible previous lifetimes in Egypt, something he shared with me as only one of a handful who could appreciate such a statement. Who knows what he discovered in his consciousness when working on Baltimore’s other successful Sister City unions with places in the Ukraine, Greece, the Netherlands, and China. Don Schaefer was never one to slow down.

As a local artist, I was one of many who first noticed William Donald Schaefer when he was on the City Council and the sponsor of the “1-per-cent-for-art” clause in municipal building contracts. Politicians in support of the arts is such a rare thing that to make such a grand statement of city-wide support certainly attracted to him many new fans among us free-thinking artists. He so impressed me that I broke my own spiritual rule not to become involved in politics and attended a fundraiser for then City Council President Schaefer. I learned he was a Scorpio, and spoke to him about Baltimore’s natal chart based on the date of its foundation, which makes the city of Baltimore also a Scorpio. A Scorpio city ruled by a Scorpio mayor sounded like a good combination. At its most refined point, Scorpio’s highest desires are for regeneration and rebirth – in other words, Schaefer’s personal aims coincided with our city’s needs at that time.

We hit it off so well at that first meeting that he asked me to design a campaign poster for him should he ever declare his candidacy for Mayor. I immediately got to work on the design, which I created after my own distinctive style using themes from ancient symbology and the ageless wisdom teachings to encapsulate the message. The central image of the poster is the name “William Donald Schaefer” seen flowing out of the urn of Aquarius, the symbol for universal brotherhood and altruism, and surrounded by symbols from Egypt, Atlantis, and beyond. Underneath all of this activity is the firmly grounded Baltimore Washington Monument. Needless to say, it is not your typical campaign poster.

Carl Schoettler wrote about it in the Baltimore Sun on January 15, 1971 with a headline stating: “Aquarian Age Poster Joins Politics.” Schoettler wrote: “The art of politics slipped into the fourth dimension this week with the creation of a highly unlikely political poster,” going on to note with a sense of surprise that Schaefer had agreed to use the poster sight-unseen and had given the artist free reign with the design. He quoted Schaefer as saying, “I never thought to tell him what to do. I left it up to him. That’s his bit. If I decide to run for Mayor I certainly will use it.”

Schaefer was true to his word, and when he ran, this became an official poster. I was told that wherever this poster was hung, even in the most violent of neighborhoods, it survived and did its job.

As I said at the time, what motivated me to support this man was his individual character that allowed him to support the arts and artists, who were certainly not a popular class back in the days when we were lumped together with the “dirty hippies” for our long hair and creative style of dress. Schoettler quoted me as saying “I don’t know where he stands on other issues, but I know how he feels toward artists and other strange people – like me.”

We bonded at that time, and remained fast friends ever since. The man had guts and grit. The multitudes of tributes we are hearing in these days after his passing attest to his generous heart and spirit, and his great dedication to the rebirthing of this great city. Icon, yes. Legend, yes. But the inner Don Schaefer was far more sensitive to the mysteries of life than his public persona implied. May his spirit fly to even greater heights, now that he has shuffled off this mortal coil, remaining ever watchful over the city he loved.

William Donald Schaefer for Governor

After a decade and a half serving as Mayor of Baltimore, William Donald Schaefer had proved himself to be just what Hieronimus predicted in his posters for the 1971 mayoral bid. With the Scorpio Schaefer at the helm, Baltimore went through a much-needed renaissance, with resurrections not only in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, but also in the arts community. Schaefer put Baltimore in the national spotlight by earning the slogan “All American City.” When Hieronimus was asked by the committee to elect Schaefer as Governor of Maryland in 1986, he was happy to oblige.

At the center of the design is William Donald Schaefer leading the Maryland Ship of State. He is wearing the garb and pose of his fellow Freemason George Washington crossing the Delaware. This ship of state is sailing upon the Maryland flag. Below Schaefer we see the Seal of Baltimore, and throughout the boat are the seals of all the counties of Maryland arranged in the shape of a pyramid. Behind Schaefer is the image from America’s Great Seal showing the eye in the triangle over an unfinished pyramid. There are many levels of interpreting this misunderstood symbol, but it is used here to depict the relationship between the spiritual dimension (eye in the triangle) and the material world (pyramid). The pyramid (the temple of initiation) is completed by the eye in the triangle (capstone). This symbol can be related to the human being with the pyramid symbolizing the physical body, and the eye in the triangle symbolizing the immortal component or soul. Uniting the unconsciousness (pyramid) with the superconsciousness (eye in triangle) produces a self-realized, transcendent being. For more information on the many layers of understanding this symbol, see two books by Robert R. Hieronimus, Ph.D: Founding Fathers, Secret Societies (1989/2006) and United Symbolism of America (2008).

Standing behind Schaefer is Mickey Steinberg who ran on the ticket with him for Lt. Governor. Steinberg is holding a pennant reading “Let’s Make Maryland America’s Best.” As above, so below; As within, so without. What Schaefer has accomplished for Baltimore will be repeated for the State of Maryland.

Above the pennant is the planet Jupiter, symbolic of beneficence and great success. Directly in front of Schaefer’s boat is a low flying UFO, a symbol for intelligence from other dimensions. High above it is another craft popping into our physical dimension. In the top left corner is a comet (symbolic of change) heading toward the moon, indicating a change in leadership for the State of Maryland. In the far right corner is depicted another universe (dimension) from which the comet was launched.

William Donald Schaefer was the most successful Maryland politician in recent memory. After two memorable terms as Governor he served two more as the State Comptroller, concluding over 50 years of public service.




William Donald Schaefer for Mayor

William Donald Schaefer for Mayor

Click to see full-sized poster

In 1969 artist Bob Hieronimus and a group of a dozen other young spiritual seekers moved into a rundown mansion in the Coldspring area of northwest Baltimore. They formed Savitria (“House of the Sun”) and the AUM Center, which was approved by the Maryland State Board of Education to offer certificates in religious metaphysics, occult science and mystic arts. Despite the admonition against getting involved in politics taught by the Western Mystery Tradition that was fostered at Savitria, Hieronimus couldn’t help but admire the President of the Baltimore City Council William Donald Schaefer when he sponsored the One Percent for Art clause in municipal building contracts. When he met Schaefer at a fundraiser and was asked to design a poster for his mayoral campaign, he agreed, despite the disapproval of the other leaders at Savitria.

Hieronimus was given total design freedom with the poster, and Schaefer showed his true mettle when he did not back down after seeing what Hieronimus came up with. He did not pause for a minute when he saw what the Baltimore Sun would call, “a highly unlikely political poster,” and promised to use it if he ran for office. In a story headlined “Aquarian Age Poster Enters Politics,” the Sun noted “The art of politics slipped into the fourth dimension this week.”

Schaefer later stepped in to help Savitria, the peaceful living commune and esoteric study center co-founded by Hieronimus. When Savitria’s property was threatened by bulldozers for a condominium development, Hieronimus met with Schaefer, who interceded with the developers. Today, these condos literally surround the old Savitria building, which is now called the Ruscombe Mansion. Ruscombe has operated as a holistic health care center for the past 25 years under the direction of Hieronimus’s wife and partner in all things, Zohara Meyerhoff Hieronimus.

Hieronimus very proudly recalls a story that one of the Mayor’s exceedingly efficient female staff members confided to him after the election. During the racial riots and tension that simmered for years after the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., whenever storefront windows were smashed in any neighborhood, it was noted that windows displaying the Hieronimus Schaefer poster were always spared.

As with all Hieronimus works of this time period, there are many messages going on in this work. The central image is Aquarius (symbolic of brotherhood or altruism). From his urn he pours the energies labeled “William Donald Schaefer” over the Washington Monument in Mt. Vernon Square in Baltimore. Designed by Baltimore architect (and Freemason) Robert Mills, this monument to our nation’s most celebrated founding father was the first monument in the country to honor Washington. Mills would later design the more popular obelisk-shaped Washington Monument in DC. To the right of the poster design we see an Egyptian obelisk (symbolic of the unity of all creation, oneness, a shaft of light from divinity, the Sun). At the top of this obelisk rests a solar orb, and along its length are written several phrases in different ancient languages. In Sanskrit it says “serpent power” (symbolic of wisdom or the elevation of kundalini). In Hebrew it says “limitless light” (symbolic of limitless wisdom). In Egyptian hieroglyphs it says “We rejoice when we see the sun rising in the East.”

Starting at the obelisk and moving our way up and over the Washington Monument, we first see a being with an elongated neck between them. He is holding an eagle and stretching around to focus his vision on the name of the soon-to-be Mayor. The eagle is the highest level of symbolic interpretation for the zodiacal sign of Scorpio, the sign of William Donald Schaefer. Schaefer cultivated the qualities of the eagle using its intensity and high vision to push through the rebirth and transformation of the city’s deteriorated Inner Harbor into an economically thriving center. Hieronimus knew that based on the foundation date for the City of Baltimore, Baltimore is also considered a Scorpio, and a Scorpio mayor for a Scorpio town would make an ideal match for a much-needed rebirth.

Above the obelisk is the cosmos and universe, and over at the top left is a comet (symbolic of change) heading toward a moon (symbolic of the feminine side of consciousness). Below the moon are two UFOs (symbolic of beings of advanced consciousness and abilities). Next is Mercury (symbolic of the mind) holding its caduceus (healing wand). Then comes the eye in the triangle over the unfinished pyramid from the Great Seal (symbolic of the feminine side of the American spirit). This series of symbols from the top left of the piece down to the pyramid relate a process of the movement away from the patriarchal consciousness towards the Divine Feminine. The story in these symbols is that the coming of the Age of Aquarius is encouraged and overseen by beings of advanced consciousness and abilities (UFOs).

Below the pyramid we see the initiation of a candidate in the spiritual sciences of the mystery school tradition represented by the Sphinx and pyramid. In the bottom left of the poster we see the candidate in a stone coffer who is surrounded by a series of arabesque-type designs across the bottom portion of the poster, indicating that the applicant is experiencing moving from one dimension into multi-dimensions. Above him, he is an eagle (under the shadow of thy wings, Jehovah) an initiated being described in the Book of Revelations (symbolic of the mystery schools of the Judeo-Christian tradition). Above and between the eagle and the sphinx is the winged scarab (symbolic of rebirth).

The scene in this poster describes both an initiation of a candidate into the science of spirit at a level of higher consciousness, as well as what was hoped for in the election of a dedicated politician. This politician ended up successfully regenerating (Scorpio) the City of Baltimore, in part because he surrounded himself with numerous powerful and dedicated women (power of the Divine Feminine) to assist him in obtaining this goal. Hieronimus remembers the most important advice that William Donald Schaefer ever gave him was: “surround yourself with highly intelligent women if you want to get the job done.” The Divine Feminine turned out to be the missing link in the successful rebirth of the “Monumental City.”

Zohara Meyerhoff Hieronimus Awarded Honorary Doctorate Degree

Zohara Meyerhoff Hieronimus Awarded Honorary Doctorate Degree

Zohara Meyerhoff Hieronimus has been awarded an honorary doctorate from the Saybrook Graduate School in San Francisco. This honor is bestowed for her contributions to social service, and her two and a half decades-long commitment to the health and social justice of our region. When she founded the Ruscombe Mansion Community Health Center in 1984, it was the only center of its kind. Today, over 25 years later, we rejoice to see wellness centers in many neighborhoods, and even in many hospitals. Long a pioneer in many fields, Zohara is currently working on a sequel to her last book on the holy women of ancient Israel. It deals with creating the place and atmosphere for prophecy and intuition. Learn more here: www.Zoharaonline.com

What follows is the official press release announcement from Saybrook Graduate School describing their decision.

The Honorary Doctorate Committee recently met to consider 2010 candidates who had been nominated by members of the Saybrook community for this year’s honorary degree. The candidates who were considered each represented a substantial body of work and high achievement in disciplines that embrace our values and principles.

It was an extremely difficult decision to choose from among so many wonderful candidates, and there were extensive discussions before Jill Zohara Meyerhoff “Zoh” Hieronimus and Milton Schwebel were chosen as recommendations to the Board of Trustees. Both were accepted.  The field of candidates was so strong that it was agreed that many would be reconsidered again for the award in the future.

…excerpts from their nomination materials are included below:


Ms. Hieronimus is an award winning radio broadcaster, published author, social justice and environmental activist, and pioneer in championing mind/body, holistic health care. She hosted the longest aired “whistle blowers” radio program in American broadcast history (1992-2001), and exposed many individuals and groups who were subverting the public trust. In 2008, a Brazilian organization, the Peace and You Movement, made her an Award Laureate for her contributions to peace and health in the United States.  In 1984, she founded (and still serves as Executive Director) the Ruscombe Mansion Community Health Center, which serves east coast clients with holistic health care services and programs. Ms. Hieronimus received The Garland of Excellence Award in 2005 from a Sir Paul McCartney-sanctioned Charity, the Garland Appeal, for her and Ruscombe’s two decades of service.

Other awards include the Daughters of the American Revolution Award for Media Programming on the U.S. Constitution (1993), the Defenders of Liberty Award for Media Profiling of Founders of the Republic (1995), the Maryland State Legislature Citation for Public Service (1997), the Judicial Watch Award for Excellence in Broadcasting (2000), the Best of Baltimore Award for Best Radio Show (2001), and the Golden Web Award for Excellence in Media (2001).

In partnership with her husband Saybrook alumnus Robert R. Hieronimus, Ph.D., she has participated in numerous humanitarian projects in Egypt, Israel, Great Britain, and the United States. They are co-founders of Hieronimus & Co., a media resource company. Ms. Hieronimus co-founded the A-Z Kabbalah Institute, where she has been a instructor on the inner teachings of the Alef- Beit, (the Hebrew alphabet), and the Kabbalistic Tree of Life as seen through the lives of the seven female prophets of Israel. These prophets were the focus of her 2008 book, The Kabbalistic Teachings of the Female Prophets, Seven Holy Women of Ancient Israel, published by Inner Traditions.

Drawing upon her lifelong participation in cutting-edge arts and sciences, global economics, environmental activism, and community organization, Ms. Hieronimus has hosted national, regional, and local radio programs for 25 years. e.g., The Zoh Show, Future Talk, Clear View, The Children’s Corner. Her artwork is featured in public shows and her digital photography is archived on-line in various forums. Examples can be found on her website: www.zoharaonline.com.

Why Sarah Palin’s Endorsement of Donald Trump Spells Disaster for Our Nation

by Robert Hieronimus, Ph.D. and Laura E. Cortner
Co-authors of the forthcoming The Secret Life of Lady Liberty: Goddess in the New World

Sarah Palin & Donald Trump

Sarah Palin represents an extremist Christian mindset that is just as dangerous and potentially violent as the extremist Islamic mindset. It’s called the New Apostolic Reformation, and because their claims are so outrageous to seem almost silly to the American intelligentsia, the media’s underreporting on this growing movement means we have ignored this fundamentalist mindset at our own peril. The mania that is currently manifesting as growing support for a madman like Donald Trump is fueled by people who love conspiracies where they can blame “the other” for all that is wrong with the world. Hatred of “the other” has led to horrifying genocides in history, but blaming some other group remains perennially attractive because it is easier than taking responsibility for oneself to fix what is wrong with the world.

The media needs to be asking candidates where they stand on the separation of church and state. The arch-conservatives are aligning themselves with this Dominionist philosophy where hate speech against women’s rights, immigrants, and all non-Protestant “Bible Christians” is preached to huge voting blocs in mega-churches across the country. Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann, Rick Perry, and Bobby Jindal have all proclaimed their socially conservative values in front of these evangelical crowds, and have received their financial backing in return.

Medieval woodcut of the Whore of Babylon together with the Pope astride the seven-headed beast. The term “Whore of Babylon” gained new popularity during anti-Catholic campaigns like this one described in a 1546 pamphlet identifying Catholics as the current scapegoat — “the other” to blame for all evil in the world.

What is more recent is their focused attack on the Statue of Liberty, with critics going so far as to call her the Whore of Babylon – because she is a goddess. This interpretation may sound ridiculous, but the point is that the fundamentalist Christian preachers who are saying these things are also advising the current crop of extremist leaders of the Republican Party. And in action, their misplaced and ill-informed fear of goddess symbolism is translated into legislation that restricts women’s reproductive freedom. At its root, fear of the goddess comes down to fear of empowered women, which is why we track conspiracy theories about the Statue of Liberty. The Presidential elections of 2008 and 2012 drew these extremist Christians into the national spotlight as never before with headlines like “Texas Governor Rick Perry’s pastor calls Statue of Liberty a Demon.” That preacher was John Benefiel, whose August 2010 sermon said this about the Statue of Liberty: “That is a demonic idol right there in New York harbor… It’s a statue of a false goddess, the Queen of Heaven. We don’t get liberty from a false goddess, folks. We get our liberty from Jesus Christ, and that Statue of Liberty in no way glorifies Jesus Christ.”

Statue of Liberty

That’s correct, and the United States is all the more powerful because of it. The creators of the Statue of Liberty followed the advice of the founding fathers of the United States by creating symbolism based on classic virtues rather than Christian iconography, because they wanted to emphasize that the United States was a land of religious freedom – NOT a Christian nation. This is not a theocracy.

If extremists like Palin come to power or land top advisory posts to those who do, you can best believe the first wall they will attack is the one so carefully constructed by our founders between church and state.

Watch for the book The Secret Life of Lady Liberty at the end of the summer 2016. Click here to read more or subscribe to the Email list for alerts or read the blog.


Protesting With and Against the Statue of Liberty

Protesting With and Against the Statue of Liberty

Photo from the January 21, 2017 Women’s March on Washington, D.C.
Credit: Mark Dixon / CC BY 2.0

Der Spiegel cover, February 2017

Many people are dressing up as Lady Liberty in protests around the world, and dozens of articles and blogs in the past few days are illustrated with pictures of the Statue of Liberty in distress. And it’s no wonder our American Goddess is suddenly popular again – she’s the obvious choice when symbolically opposing Mr. Trump’s war of hatred on immigrants.

What is less known is how much hatred many in the alt-right harbor toward the symbol of Lady Liberty herself – and for reasons that have nothing to do with immigration. Even though the Statue of Liberty is admired as a symbol of universal compassion all over the world, and in fact replicas have been spotted in over 25 nations (including China, but not in Russia!), there are a growing number of Americans who are swallowing the conspiracy theories about her promulgated by the extremist Christians like the Dominionists of the New Apostolic Reformation. Their Christian fundamentalist upbringing has taught them to call her Satan.

Long before the debate over immigration took center stage, the evangelicals began conspiring to tear down the Statue of Liberty and replace it with a giant cross. Seriously.

New Yorker cover, February 2017

It gets even scarier when you understand that these fringe lunatics who fear the Statue of Liberty because she is a goddess (because, they reason, “god can’t manifest in female form so therefore she’s a demon”) have political sway on a very high scale. Mr. T’s nominee for Secretary of Energy is one of these hard-core believers. “Rick Perry’s Pastor Calls Statue of Liberty a Demon,” is one of many headlines from when he was running for president, but Perry is certainly not the only one in the Trump inner circle infected by the Dominionst philosophy of “no compromise,” who cast their political opposition as demonic.

Dr. Bob has been warning people for years to listen to these crazy attacks on our American symbols like the Statue of Liberty from the crowd who want to “return” us to being a “Christian nation.” Despite their historical inaccuracies, these conspiracy theorists must be watched and defended against. If you don’t believe our Statue of Liberty is in actual peril of being physically attacked by Americans who think she’s a demon, just remember how you used reject the idea that someone spouting hatred and bigotry and misogyny so blatantly could ever win the election. A quick Google search combining the word “secret” with the words “Statue of Liberty” will show you how much hatred is being directed at this beloved symbol by the same crowd who believe the Illuminati are controlling world events.

New York Daily News cover, January 28, 2017

When you see our lovely Lady Liberty out there protesting against the latest outrage from Mr. T, please also remember this warning. There is a growing faction of Americans who advocate literally dumping the Statue of Liberty into the Atlantic. Their spokespeople include the self-appointed apostle John Benefiel, advisor to Rick Perry, who calls the Statue of Liberty “a demonic idol right there in New York harbor… a false goddess, the Queen of Heaven… That Statue of Liberty in no way glorifies Jesus Christ.” Listen to his sermon here.

We ignore these claims at our peril.

Rather than fearing the Statue of Liberty because she is a goddess, we want Americans to embrace this best-known national icon specifically BECAUSE SHE IS A GODDESS. Focusing on the sacred feminine and mothering symbolism at the very heart of this nation’s founding would infuse our society with the compassion, nurturing, and enlightened liberty that are the hallmarks of goddess reverence. The Statue of Liberty represents the conscience of our nation, and as such, she has the ability to strengthen the qualities of female power in all of us.

Read more in The Secret Life of Lady Liberty: Goddess in the New World, by Robert R. Hieronimus, Ph.D., and Laura E. Cortner.

slll-authors-webAuthors Robert Hieronimus, Ph.D., and Laura E. Cortner inside the head
of the Statue of Liberty after the long climb to the top.

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Santa Paul’s Advice on how to get on Santa’s “Nice and Awesome” List

Yes, there really is a Santa Claus and his name is Paul H. Trattner! Brother Paul has returned to spirit but will as Benjamin Franklin said “like the cover of an old book, its contents torn out and stript of its lettering and gilding lies here, food for worms, but the work shall not be lost; for it will, as he believed appear once more in a new and more elegant edition revised and corrected by the author.”

Over 40 years ago Santa Paul was the best student I ever had at the AUM Esoteric Study center who soon outpaced me and everyone else in his mastery of the occult sciences, mystical arts and religious metaphysics. I wrote about this in Part One of his memorial tribute which we posted in September 2013, mentioning the fact that Paul was the lone student in AUM’s history to have ever succeeded in earning all three certificates in our curriculum.

In his later years, Paul became a beloved Santa Claus who performed real magic tricks for children of all ages. Here are two of his promotional shots, along with Santa Paul’s advice on how to stay on Santa’s Nice and Awesome list.

1. Be Kind to Everyone
2. Be grateful for everything – say “Thank You” often
3. Be helpful and of service to others
4. Give praise often to others
5. Never leave angry
6. Be careful of what you think – thoughts are things
7. Be honest
8. Recognize that we are all special in some way
9. Do your best always
10. Treat others as you would like to be treated

Thank you Santa Paul for making our spirits bright during the holiday season, and all year round.


White Spirit Animals: Dr. Zohara’s New Book to be Released in 2017






• Looks in-depth at the lessons of the major White Spirit Animals: the White Bear, White Lion, White Elephant, White Wolf, and White Buffalo

• Explains how to use shamanic dreaming and trans-species telepathy to communicate with these great spiritual teachers

• Reveals how White Spirit Animals are calling humanity to restore balance, respect, reverence, and honor to protect our animal kin, ourselves, and the earth Beautiful rarities of nature, all-white animals are held sacred by many indigenous cultures and offer deep wisdom to all who will listen.

Pre-Order and Read More at Inner Traditions – Bear & Co.

In addition to the White Buffalo, there are other revered white animals, such as the White Wolf, White Lion, White Elephant, and White Bear. Each of these White Spirit Animals belongs to a species at the apex of their ecosystem, meaning the environment in which they live will unravel without them. Speaking through ancient and modern prophecy and the many humans who communicate with them, these White Spirit Animals are urgently calling to humanity to restore balance and protect our animal kin, ourselves, and the earth. Combining sacred elder lore, science, and her own telepathic dreams, Zohara Hieronimus looks at the special role played by White Spirit Animals in spiritual traditions and prophecy around the globe, where they are seen as guardians of animal wisdom, each with a special purpose and gift. She reveals how they have collaborated with humanity since the last ice age, inspiring spiritual practices and conferring shamanistic powers, and are considered the stewards of the great spiritual transformations that occur during transitional times. Sharing the waking vision of White Spirit Animals that called her to write this book, and their message of CPR for the earth–conservation, preservation, and restoration–she explains how to use shamanic dreaming and trans-species telepathy to communicate with these great spiritual teachers. Exploring each one of the major White Spirit Animals–White Buffalo, White Lion, White Elephant, White Wolf, and White Spirit Bear–and the cultures in which they are honored, the author shows, for example, how the White Buffalo is called a harbinger of peace and abundance by many Native American tribes and the White Bear, the great earth healer, teaches us about nurturance and patience. As a bridge between the spiritual and physical worlds, between humans and animals, White Spirit Animals are calling us to open our hearts to the wild, to the sacredness of the wind, the water, the earth, and dream a new world into being to heal our own personal and collective wounds and restore the earth to balance.

“If you talk to the animals, they will talk with you and you will know each other. If you do not talk to them, you will not know them, and what you do not know you will fear. What one fears, one destroys.”

 — Chief Dan George of the Tsleil-Waututh (a Coastal Salish band, British Columbia) (1899-1981)

Dr. Zohara Meyerhoff Hieronimus, D.H.L, has been writing her book about the White Spirit Animals for two years, discovering as Shamans do, that dreams are a bridge between all species and make it possible for everyone to talk with animals. “What I have learned is that animals know their own pre-Ice Age history and share it willingly with humans who listen. All of the White spirit animals are apex guardians of entire ecosystems. We must do everything we can to protect the Lion, Bear, Wolf, Bison, Elephant and Whale as each presides over Earth’s major ecosystems, which, without them, will collapse more rapidly.”

All of the White Spirit animals and their species have come to tell humanity “Save as many of us as you can.” Zohara’s book covers indigenous people’s prophecies about these times and why the White Spirit animals are coming to us now with vital messages. “The Primary message they bring us is that the earth needs CPR: Conservation, Preservation, and Restoration”, a message Wolf brought to Dr. Z in one of her recent dreams. In her new book Dr. Zohara teaches how to use dreams to retrieve information about any subject and how to listen and talk with the animals.

Inner Traditions