Was It Really 50 Years Ago Today…?








Was It Really 50 Years Ago Today…?




These are the test paintings originally conceived by Heinz Edelmann when he was auditioning for the job of designing the Yellow Submarine film. When the animators at TVC of London opened them in their offices, there was a gasp as everyone immediately knew they had found the style they were looking for. Edelmann was hired and later became known as the Father of Yellow Submarine Art.

Hieronimus & Co. are proud to announce the return of the Yellow Submarine in 2018!

July 17, 2018 will be the 50th anniversary of the London premiere of the iconoclastic film, The Beatles: Yellow Submarine, and all our friends are coming on board for the party! Help us to help you to celebrate “All Together Now!”

We have begun the countdown with random trivia question contests with real live prizes – Like our www.Facebook.com/YellowSubmarineBook/ page, watch our contest videos and simply comment to enter!

Sign up now on the new YellowSubmarineBook.com for alerts so you can get a jump on winning, and qualify for discounts on the new book.

Our goal is to publish by the end of Summer 2018 a volume two of our internationally acclaimed book Inside the Yellow Submarine: The Making of the Beatles Animated Classic, published by Krause in 2002. This 430-page book is recognized worldwide as being “Perfect. Anything you ever wondered about how it was done is answered in this superb book. It’s no wonder George Martin wrote the introduction for it. Unbelievable! Buy it, it belongs in your collection.” —The Netherlands Beatles Unlimited Magazine

Volume 2 of this “indispensible” book will include interviews with other essential co-creators of this film whom we discovered only after the first volume was published. Their memories of numerous hijinks on the set will be worth the price of the book itself. We will also include new information gathered on the principle co-creators such as Art Director Heinz Edelmann, Music Director Sir George Martin and the two Directors of Animation Bob Balser and Jack Stokes — all of whom have moved into the world spirit and are sorely missed.

Some of the prizes we are offering to you for answering the Yellow Sub trivia contests include collectibles like Yellow Sub wristwatches, Corgi Yellow Submarine diecast model toys, Yellow Sub coffee cups, entire sets of Yellow Sub trading collector cards, actual autographs of the co-creators of this film on Yellow Sub stationary, autographed copies of our book and Yellow Submarine Journal, and much more.

“I think what you have done is quite remarkable. It is an amazing essay on the development of a cultural icon and makes a fascinating story.” —Beatles Producer, Sir George Martin (who did indeed write the introduction)

Occupy is a failure by Joe Hoenick


By Joseph J. Honick


Read More Joe Hoenick

America’s Mad Dash To Irrelevance: Presidential Campaign 2012

Talk About Entitlements

Peace Promises of Ahmadinejad and Hitler

To Obama And Romney: Start Acting Presidential

A Vote Is Only The Beginnning Of Democracy

Dangers Of Irrelevance … America In The World

Can America Really Afford Peace?: The Unspoken Question



Santorum Gone? Don’t Bet On It!

A Nation at War: Where’s the Music?

India and Bribery and ‘Progressive’ Media Hypocrisy


November Fools’ Day

Can America Really Afford Peace? The Unspoken Question

Bottom Lines and Bottomless Pits

Welcome to Theater of the Absurd: AARP Board a Tougher Entry Than Congress or the Presidency

COMMENTARY: The United Nations of Hypocrisy, Part II










COMMENTARY: Palin’s lack of control demonstrates why she is not presidential class

“Occupy” is a failure!
…..and it needn’t have been

As a longtime supporter of strong public expression by demonstrations, marches and other means on major issues to the nation and the world, I can only conclude the so called “Occupy” movement is nothing more than a failure.
Worse, it is and was a necessary effort that turned into little more than a well publicized nuisance to most places.
I am not only disappointed that this has occurred, but, as with many others, I am offended to a great extent by what this may have done to the demonstration concept elsewhere.

So what is it that has been so counterproductive despite all the hype here and around the world? After all, in most of the so-called “liberal and progressive” media, we are daily treated to the trumpets of the spread of “Occupy”?
Here, in a few nutshells, is what has turned a potentially useful movement into a major combination bore and irritant:

1. No clear message: beyond a lot of yelling, screaming and complaining, hardly any, if any, participants could tell willing media what the message was or is;

2. No leadership: there is no central sense of identifiable leadership, if any, either locally or nationally and certainly not internationally. Result: neither the public nor media already occupied with political campaigns have anywhere to go for the message if one actually exists.

Actually, I raised the possibility of such displays of dissatisfaction some months ago in a column that asked essentially: WILL WE NOW FEAR PARADES?…the idea growing out of the problems of heavy unemployment, home foreclosures and all the rest of the obvious concerns. My expectation was that someone or some group would do as many have before and produce a coherent message in writing and some accepted and respected leader personalities.
Neither has occurred.
Had either of these efforts been pursued effectively, the situation could have been more productive, perhaps even a major success.

Instead, in many places, crowds supposedly the “occupy” crowd in each location have wound up leaving public spaces in a mess and causing the local taxpayers to have to clean it up. Along with such events have come conflicts with police and others that have often deteriorated to much damage and personal injury both to demonstrators and law enforcement.
Pardon the repetition, but having marched as a very young man in that historic parade of a million people when MLK made his
“Dream speech, we all could see what it was for and how this massive collection of humanity treated the nation’s Capitol respectfully.
When gays and others have similarly demonstrated, the groups knew the value of the impressions they wanted to make and the message they wanted to convey to be successful.
None of this has been the case with the “Occupy” effort. There are those who see my view as cynical. I choose to see it as sadly realistic.

On a potentially positive side, I am told it has galvanized the participation of heretofore apolitical young people to become involved in the political process. But there is little time to see this potential pay off.

Now that the nation is engulfed in a less than civilized presidential campaign that floods the media and international fiscal and physical conflict of major importance, the likelihood is most people couldn’t care less about moaning, groaning crowds who came too late to the party and without identities that could be deciphered.

As the nation and the world stand incoherently on the brink of still newer potential wars and major political debates, fewer and fewer of those who could have helped will pay much attention.

That reality is both realistic and costly to any movement that might have made a real difference.

* * *

Joseph J. Honick is an international consultant to business and government and writes for many publications.. Honick can be reached at joehonick@gmail.com.

Orioles Magic 2012

Focus on the numbers 76 – 37 – 39 – 19 to help the O’s win!

With the Orioles nearing a chance in the play-offs, my mind has been drifting back to 1983, when I was still involved in my study of the synchronicity of lottery numbers and news headlines.

After they lost their first playoff game, I was asked by a fan to work some Orioles magic with this synchronicity system. It may have been a coincidence, but I like to think we contributed to changing that course of losing into an eventual World Series win.

Here’s an excerpt from my 1986 Warner Book, Your Personal Winning Lottery Numbers, that explains what we did. (BTW, I just found this book selling on Ebay for upwards of $120!)


Play-offs and World Series 1983

My interest in the theory that winning teams’ coordinates coincided with winning numbers in the state lotteries (such as the World Series and Super Bowl) was stimulated when I was approached by Cynthia Batterton (now Nadeline) a depressed Oriole fan, after the “Birds” lost their opening game in the 1983 play-offs. Cynthia asked what could be done to improve the Orioles’ chances, and I suggested concentrating on Baltimore’s longitude and latitude coordinates in hope that they would appear in the state lotteries, for I had noticed that cities in the news coincidentally had their numbers hit in the state lotteries.

Cards were made carrying Baltimore’s coordinates (longitude 76,37′, latitude 39,19′) and distributed by Cynthia’s cheering section in Memorial Stadium. I painted two 12-foot banners with the Orioles’ “magic numbers” on them. One was hung at Memorial Stadium and another was carried to Chicago’s stadium and put up by Eddie Murray. Brooks Robinson announced the numbers on national television during the Orioles’ play-offs, and Baltimore radio talk show host Alan Christian allowed me to present the idea and daily updates on his program.

The Orioles went on to win in the play-offs and World Series. The number results were the following: Baltimore’s numbers hit a total of 11 times while the opposition (Chicago and Philadelphia) hit only 3 times. Therefore, of the total number of hits (14), Baltimore had 78 percent (11 of 14)! Likewise of the 9 games in the play-offs and World Series, Baltimore won 7, or a total of 77 percent (7 of 9). Some coincidence!

(From pages 76-77 of Your Personal Winning Lottery Numbers)

I know it sounds crazy, but in addition to those mentioned above, I also remember others working with us to get these numbers out there to more people to concentrate on, like Al Bumbry, Vince Bagli, and Alan Christian, as well as the important roles played by Eddie Murray and Brooks Robinson.

I think if the O’s make it to the play-offs again this year, we should try this system again. In the meantime, check out the quarter of a century of Orioles Team Sets we’re offering for sale, in another attempt to get more people focusing on the Orioles to win!

For those of you wondering how I got into calculating lottery numbers, here’s a little back-story.

I have a life-long interest in systems like the theory of similars, synchronicity and seriality, and number codes in the Jewish and Greek Kabala, and that of Sir Francis Bacon, etc. I got especially into this research for my 1981 doctoral thesis, “A Historical Analysis of the Reverse of America’s Great Seal and its Relationship to the Ideology of Humanistic Psychology”, for Saybrook University.

In the early 1980s I grew curious about applying synchronicity to the lottery, and developed a system to study the connection. I called my system the T.O.P. system for Timing, Observation, and Practice. I was able to put this system to the test with hundreds of people after a weekly stint with Jerry Williams on WRKO Radio in Boston that went on for years, and some people won thousands of dollars following my system. Crown Books in 1985 and Warner Books in 1986 published my books on this subject, and the first one sold over 900,000 copies! I notice they are selling on Ebay today for as much as $120!

Well, this is a painstaking and time-consuming system, and it took me hours to come up with a list of numbers to predict. Needless to say, I soon grew tired of devoting my life to predicting lottery numbers, and especially to being hounded every hour of the day by people who didn’t give a hoot about the synchronicity theory, or investing their own time into the system to do it for themselves, but just barked at me “Gimme a number, Bob!” I still remember Baltimore’s quintessential crotchety old sportscaster, Charlie Eckman calling me up one night at 4 AM, “Gimme a number, Bob!”

Greed killed my desire to continue this line of research connecting longitude and latitude of news events with lottery hits.

But I’m ready to try this Orioles Magic spin-off from my lottery research if the Os make it to the playoffs again this year! Are ya’ with me?

In the meantime, start your own version of Orioles Magic by purchasing one of these Oriole Team sets! See you at the ballpark!

Memorial Tribute to Paul H. Trattner – By Dr. Bob Hieronimus


Believe in the Magic! Installment Number 2 of our Memorial Tributes to Paul H. Trattner, M.F.A., F.R.C.

By Dr. Bob Hieronimus

Decmber 2013


This is the second installment in our memorial tribute to our great friend, Paul H. Trattner, who passed into spirit on August 28, 2013. Because we are posting this in December 2013, we are focusing here on Paul’s alter ego known as “Santa Paul”. For many years, Paul was a beloved performer at holiday events and Christmas parades. Imagine visiting what you think is a standard department-store Santa only to see him captivate the crowds with his charming and innocent magic tricks. I’ll bet you all would have gone home that night believing in the magic of Santa Claus! Paul had a truly magical twinkle in his eye that came from his deep and passionate study of the esoteric mysteries of human potential, and he had a sparkling quick wit to match, always treating everyone around him with infectious chuckles.

We are very sad to miss him in the physical body, but we take comfort in knowing that he’ll be back again some day in a revised and expanded edition. Benjamin Franklin may have put it best when he wrote his own epitaph saying: “Like the cover of an old book, its contents torn out and stript of its lettering and gilding, lies here, food for worms, but the work shall not be lost; for it will, as he believed, appear once more in a new and more elegant edition revised and corrected by the author.”

As I noted in the first memorial to Brother Paul we posted here in September 2013, over 40 years ago Paul Trattner was the best student I ever had at the AUM Esoteric Study Center in Baltimore. He soon outpaced me and everyone else in the school with his mastery of the occult sciences, mystical arts and religious metaphysics. He was the only student in entire history of AUM to earn all three certificates in our curriculum.

Part of this Santa Paul memorial includes an 8-page assignment paper Paul prepared for my Symbology I course. It is a study of his astrological sun sign, Capricorn, and a quick glance will demonstrate his profound insights into the multiple levels of meanings for the goat-fish. All you Capricorns out there, consider this a present from Santa Paul. He has done your homework for you! Symbology I taught the multiple levels of meanings of your sun sign which is just a fraction of your unique being, reflecting only a segment of who you are and your multiple purposes in life. Symbols are a great journey into the adventure of your magical being!

Please click on each image to see the full page


Assassination Attempt Connected to the ‘Antichrist’ Agenda

Assassination Attempt Connected to the ‘Antichrist’ Agenda

Read more about the American Beauty Rose

Listeners to 21st Century Radio know that I am one of the most vocal critics of the fundamentalist/evangelical Christian movement that is taking over the religious right wing, and trying to rewrite history with their moral agenda. You heard our programming denouncing the DC40 movement of the New Apostolic Reformation church that urged its followers to turn out the demons in Washington DC, tear down the images of the Liberty Goddess, and change the name of our capital to “District of Christ.” These are the same people depicted in the documentary film called “Jesus Camp” that advocate violence against those they disagree with, by convincing their followers that Satan is behind every tree and manipulating every leader who does not belong to their church. I looked with great concern at the date 11/11/11 because the DC40 group targeted that date as the culmination of their “siege on Washington”.

So it was unfortunately not with surprise, just with sadness, that I read about an attempted assassination of President Obama on that date, by a young man named Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez. According to the report in the Baltimore Sun and Washington Post this past Friday, Ortega believed Mr. Obama was “the devil” and had to be “taken care of”. He also was “obsessed with the date November 11, 2011.” I’m sure the Dominionist preachers who advocated the elimination of the politicians they consider “demonized” will not accept responsibility for this man’s actions, but I lay the blame squarely at their feet.

Friends, please be on the lookout and warn everybody you can about this radical form of so-called religious belief that advocates violent destruction of all non-Christians, as well as all symbols of the divine feminine, the goddess, which means destroying things like the Statue of Liberty. Remember, America was NOT founded as a Christian nation! It was founded as a nation where all religious beliefs are protected, with a clear division between church and state.

I’m not the only one connecting that attempted assassin Ortega’s beliefs to the New Apostolic Reformation. Check out these stories by Chip Bertlet at Talk 2 Action and Sarah Posner from The Guardian. At Hieronimus & Co. we will continue to alert as many of you as we can to this growing threat, but I’m afraid most people are underestimating power of this movement that now has billions of dollars backing it.

“Alleged presidential assassin Ortega-Hernandez reportedly called Obama ‘the Antichrist’. So who put that idea in his head?” by Sarah Posner

“Obama, Assassination, and the Antichrist Conspiracy” by Chip Berlet

Associated Press article “Election-year goals of Christian group questioned” by RACHEL ZOLL – AP Religion Writer | AP – Mon, Oct 17, 2011


Read more about the American Beauty Rose

DC40 – Hieronimus & Co., Inc.

Learn about How to Help Lady Liberty and Washington D.C.

When Sarah Palin’s background was examined during her run for Vice President several years ago, her link to the New Apostolic Reformation was revealed.  With my background of defending American symbols from the religious right, I began to point to this link with great concern as a possible turning point for religious freedom in this country.  Most people laughed at me, not believing that such a fringe element of society would ever make an impact on the mainstream.  This week, I’m saddened and surprised to see the mainstream press finally covering this concern.  (NPR’s Terry Gross on 10/3/11) It took a “siege” on Washington for the media to pay attention, but at least I’m beginning to hear these issues discussed. 

John Benefiel and Cindy Jacobs, the main organizers of the DC40 initiative, want to exorcize the demons in Washington and change the name of our capital to the “District of Christ.”  Their logo replaced the Statue of Freedom atop the Capitol dome with a Christian cross.  They misconstrue and deliberately misinterpret the Lady Liberty goddess images and convince their followers the Statue of Liberty is demonic and should be destroyed.  They are particularly threatened by the Goddess tradition, which they see as witchcraft based on the Great Whore of Babylon described in the book of Revelation.  Many in this movement perceive the Catholic veneration of the Virgin Mary as the same Satanic conspiracy.  Nor are Mormans Christian enough, apparently, as is seen with the recent attacks on Mitt Romney’s faith.

The New Apostolic Reformation is linked to Rick Perry’s campaign for president, which means this formerly fringe element has achieved a level of funding and political power where they can now reach the kind of audiences to make a difference.  Suddenly their war vocabulary of “fan the flame” and “shields locked” and “no compromise” used in conjunction with their intolerance of homosexuality and non-Christians is taking on a new importance.  Other Republican candidates with ties to “dominionist” beliefs are Michele Bachmann, Ron Paul, and of course, Sarah Palin.

Please check the facts behind these symbols before falling for this hate-speech rhetoric.  The real reason our founders borrowed symbols from the Greco-Roman era is far less exciting than a secret plot to get Americans to unwittingly venerate pagan icons.  Though the majority of our founders were Christians, to be sure, what the Founding Fathers deliberately did not create was a Christian nation.  They created a land of religious tolerance, so that all faiths could worship as they choose without persecution from the state.  Christianity was not being promoted.  Religious tolerance and liberty were being promoted.  Our Founding Fathers declared that it was the American way to be respectful of those who worship differently.

American symbols are all about balance and unity.  The female divinity has been used since the beginning of time to represent nurturing and life-giving.  That our founders were not afraid to embrace goddess symbolism shows their understanding that humanity’s war-like tendencies can be balanced, in part, by veneration of the female ideal.  They loved the idea that Minerva stood for peace (when her sword was pointed downward) and wisdom, but that her flip side as the goddess of war meant our country was strong in defense.  The Statue of Liberty is not holding any implements of war, and instead is holding a torch of enlightenment to symbolize that education and learning are the pathways to true freedom and liberty.

Jesus Christ gave us a parable about the Good Samaritan.  He showed that even the most pious of his religion passed by someone in need due to one code or another, while the good (pagan) Samaritan, who was not of the accepted religion, is the only one who helped his fellow human.  The message here is that you don’t have to be pious in the accepted religion of the day to do the right thing in his eyes.  Doing the right thing is helping your fellow human on a daily basis with the moral being to accept those who follow different religions.

Making Christianity the law of the land, and working to convert all Muslims and Jews and Pagans, etc. to Christianity, is not only un-American, but in my opinion, it is un-Christian. 


Bob Hieronimus, Ph.D.

For the past two decades the author has been writing books and appearing on television documentaries on the History, Discovery and National Geographic Channels warning about this fringe element of the religious right and the implications to our nation’s religious freedom if they achieved more funding or political power.


What You Can Do – A Call to Action!

1) Write Letters to the Editor or to your Congresspersons. Tell them you will not stand for historical revisionism especially from politicians trying to legislate their personal morality. Maintain religious freedom in the USA!

2) Support the reputable blogs listed in this article – share/link to them on Facebook!

3) Use your creative energies and create artwork based on the goddesses of Freedom and Liberty. Visualize them surrounded by healing and protective energy.

Read more from Dr. Bob and others…




The Seat of Governance

by Zohara M. Hieronimus, D.H.L.
Oct.5, 2011

Prayer is powerful. Those who know this from personal experience use prayer for seeking guidance from G-d about their own lives, for healing themselves and others. One can use prayer to praise G-d for the miracle of life itself and the things we have to be grateful for. Many people like myself, pray to G-d for divine insight about the world and how to bring peace and harmony to everyone on earth.

I have never in my entire life received a message of hate from prayer nor heard a message of division. I have never while praying, received any instructions that involve intolerance, elimination of other people, or lack of understanding that souls have many ways to find Him, of finding that inner home of the heart which G-d Illuminates within each one of us.

The G-d of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, the same G-d that Jesus worshipped, does not advocate bigotry – but always the exhortation to eliminate bigotry within us. The “Christ” being paraded about as a slogan in the DC40 Campaign of Christian militants, is not what the Jewish sage they love ever taught.

If Jesus is the teacher, what he teaches us about becoming ‘anointed priests’ is what the Ancient Hebrews teach as well – to become an anointed one requires complete and total self-mastery, complete and unwavering love of and compassion for all people. Which of those who now preach intolerance and claim revelatory discretion can resurrect the dead, lay hands on the sick and heal, surrender their egos to experience the revelation of Oneness, and show us what every human being is designed to accomplish; to become prophets who bring the world to unity, love and compassion for each other and faith in One G-d?

To complement this spiritual work of self-refinement, is what the Statue of Liberty guards, a nation made of independent States in which every person is guaranteed religious freedom and political representation as citizens of their State. Therefore, the only Christ District the DC40 should be focused on, is the one in their hearts, the place of each person’s seat of self-governance.

Zohara M. Hieronimus, D.H.L.

Author of
Kabbalistic Teachings of the Female Prophets, 2008
Sanctuary of the Divine Presence, 2012

For More Information:













Not Enough Hobbit in “Hobbit #2” Smaug – By Dr. Bob Hieronimus


Not Enough Hobbit in “Hobbit #2”

Review by Dr. Bob Hieronimus of “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug” released in theaters on December 13, 2013

Our only complaint about this film was there was not enough screen time for the hobbit Bilbo. Other than that, we loved every minute of this film. Yes, it’s longer than it needs to be, but those of us who are diehard Tolkien fans simply relish every saturated moment we can get when we can pretend we are actually in Middle Earth.

So in stretching The Hobbit novel into three long films, it makes perfect sense to me that the addition of a kick-ass, arrow-slinging elf played by the adorable Evangeline Lilly was a good way to do it.  Interesting trivia note, in this film Evangeline Lilly plays the love interest of Orlando Bloom’s character, while when she worked on Lost she became the real-life love interest of Dominic Monaghan, the actor who played Merry in the original Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Because the character of Bilbo Baggins is the only hobbit seen in this second part of the Hobbit trilogy, I wish he’d been given more lines and there had been more revealed about how hobbits differ from the other races.  These differences are some of the most charming and driving elements of the novels, and the only essence I felt missing from this installment.  When watched as a whole, however, I’m sure these issues will feel more balanced.

We also particularly loved the depiction of the dragon Smaug, which is certainly the result of the special effects genius work of Richard and Tonia Taylor and crew at WETA Workshop.  Richard has joined us several times on 21st Century Radio® to share his first-hand accounts of creating Middle Earth with their pioneering digital technology, prosthetics, makeup, costumes, and miniatures.  This multiple-Oscar-winning team made it all, so it’s no wonder Smaug looks so realistic that we got through the whole film without once pausing to notice it was a special effect and not the real thing. Listen over at our special mini-site for TolkienInterviews.com!

The action rolls along at a good pace, and at the end of two hours and 45 minutes it didn’t feel long.  The 3-D effects were just enough to make it worth seeing this film in theaters wearing glasses.  Here’s a tip for the best enjoyment of 3-D movies from my friend Chris Kaltenbach of the Baltimore Sun: sit in the center of the row and as close to the front as you can. Wow!

Just like with everything I’ve seen of Peter Jackson’s, I give this film 10 stars!  Thank you very much for another job well done.  Now, here I sit in anticipation looking forward to the day when your third Hobbit is released on extended version DVD, and I can enjoy an 18-hour marathon viewing of the entire series from beginning to end.


See the trailer: