The Secret Life of Lady Liberty
at Mitchell Courthouse
December 1, 2016

On Thursday, December 1, 2016, Robert Hieronimus, Ph.D. and Laura E. Cortner will be coming to the Library for a visual presentation centering on their new book The Secret Life of Lady Liberty: Goddess in the New World. They will examine the symbolism of Lady Liberty, tracing her lineage all the way back to the Neolithic Earth Mother, Mary Magdalene, Minerva, Joan of Arc, the Indian “Queen” and the Revolutionary generation’s Indian “Princess.” Join us for a fascinating topic and presenters for what should be a fascinating evening.

Dr. Robert Hieronimus, Ph.D. is an internationally known historian, visual artist, and radio host. He has appeared on History, Discovery, BBC, and National Geographic and hosted 21st Century Radio on WCBM in Baltimore since 1988. Laura E. Cortner is an honors graduate of Goucher College and has co-authored previous titles with Dr. Hieronimus including Founding Fathers, Secret Societies and United Symbolism of America.

Place: Mitchell Courthouse – 100 North Calvert Street – Main Reading Room of the Bar Library (Room 618, Mitchell Courthouse).

Time: 5:00 p.m., Thursday, December 1, 2016, with a wine & cheese reception immediately following.

Invitees: Members of the Library Company of the Baltimore Bar and their guests, judges, employees of Baltimore City and its courts, courthouse employees, government lawyers, public interest lawyers, law librarians, law and college faculty and students. For all others there is a $20.00 charge which will be waived upon subscribing to a Bar Library membership.

RSVP by calling 410-727-0280 or emailing


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