Dr. Robert Hieronimus, Artist

"One of the country's best muralists" - Forecast Magazine

Most know Robert Hieronimus as a radio broadcaster, but for the first half of his adult life, Dr. Bob was known chiefly for his visual art in the form of photography, murals, and artcars.

Hieronimus in 1969
Hieronimus in 2018

A Hieronimus piece is easily identified by its occult symbolism, vibrant color, and vibrating lines.  The style is distinct even by today’s standards and reflects the same cosmic questions Dr. Bob discussed for decades on the radio: the nature and iconography of democracy in the United States, uncovering hidden truths, and elevating consciousness beyond the human dimension.

Dr. Bob strongly resists the frequent description of his work as “psychedelic.” Colloquially, “psychedelic” often connotes surrealism for surrealism’s sake, referencing an overly simplistic understanding of 60s counterculture. For Dr. Bob, this understanding does a disservice to the complexity of the metaphysical, historical, and political themes in his artwork.

In Community Murals: The People’s Art, art critic and author Alan Barnett, Ph.D. wrote: “Hieronimus has a talent for winning the cooperation of the establishment while he lives and works within the counter-culture…Trying to create an alternative to bourgeois life, [Hieronimus uses] wall art as an instrument of revisualizing and reshaping the world. [He approaches] the task with a strong sense of the past and the ongoing processes of the universe.”

One People, One Planet, Hon!

An exclusive primer on the hidden messages in Hieronimus's artwork.

Selected Works