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Dr. John Brandenburg, Ph.D.

Show Appearances

  • January 12, 2020

    Topic: Lieutenant Colonel Tom McNear was a student of Ingo Swann and part of the group effort to remote view Mars in the 1980s. He also wrote an afterword to the Mars chapter in the special edition of PENETRATION by Ingo Swann.

    Dr. Brandenburg worked on the Mars Project at Stanford Research Institute, SRI, during the same time that Ingo Swann was there for the Mars Remote Viewing project down the hall in the 1980s. His team also explored the anomalies on Mars. He

  • December 9, 2018

    Topic: Dead Mars, Dying Earth, the Space Force, Disclosure Politics

  • June 24, 2018

    Topic: Proof of an ancient civilization on Mars and what happened to it in the distant past. MUFON Symposium topic: A Report From Mars: Does the path to extra-terrestrial disclosure lead through Cydonia Mensa?

  • May 22, 2011

    Topic: Life and Death on Mars: The New Mars Synthesis, Adventures Unlimited Press, 2011

  • June 22, 2000

    Topic: Excited by NASAâs Announcing Evidence of Water on Mars

  • March 15, 2000

    Topic: Dead Mars, Dying Earth: How the fate of Mars could be the same for Earth

  • March 12, 2000

    Topic: Dead Mars, Dying Earth: How the fate of Mars Could be the Same for Earth

  • June 2, 1999

    Topic: "Support for the New Mars Synthesis Derived from Mars Global Surveyor and Other Data" and "Life on Mars Confirmed: CI Meteorites Isotopic Links to ALH 84001 Strengthen"

  • June 1, 1999

    Topic: Tabletop Fusion Experiments, Life on Mars and the Effect of Large LEO Satcom Constellations on the Lower Thermosphere

  • April 24, 1998

    Topic: The New Photos of the Face and Monuments on Mars

  • September 14, 1991

    Topic: The Cydonia Hypothesis in the Journal for Scientific Exploration

  • August 4, 1991

    Topic: Using His Background in Physics to Quiz Bob Lazar on the Alleged Element 115 and the Propulsion Systems of UFOs Lazar Claims to Have Studied at Area 51 in Nevada


  • Life and Death on Mars: The New Mars Synthesis, Adventures Unlimited Press, 2011

    Life and Death on Mars: The New Mars Synthesis, Adventures Unlimited Press, 2011

  • Dead Mars, Dying Earth

    Dead Mars, Dying Earth
